# 精弘网络技术部拥抱 GitHub 仪式 欢迎加入精弘网络技术部这个大家庭,学会使用 github,是我们每一届技术部的任务。通过这个项目你就可以找到你熟悉的熟人啦,快来加入我们吧。 简单的游戏, 来参与一个 GitHub 上的日常工作, Issue, Pull Request 之类的. 至少证明作为 精弘网络 一员, 在用 GitHub 了吧, 会 Git 了木有?   顺便 Markdown 和 README 是什么, 也要了解下. 参与规则: - Fork 仓库 - 在 members/Members.md 加上你的用户名然后提交 - 添加更多有意义的文件 (选做) - 提交 PR - 确认 PR 提交成功 ## 成员 - [成员](./members/members.md) ## 大事记 - [2002-2015 大事记](./notes/2002-2015history.md) - [2016 大事记](./notes/2019notes.md) - [2017 大事记](./notes/2019notes.md) - [2018 大事记](./notes/2019notes.md) - [2019 开花大事记](./notes/2019kaihua_note.md) - [2019 大事记](./notes/2019notes.md) - [2020 大事记](./notes/2020notes.md) - [2021 大事记](./notes/2021notes.md) - [2022 大事记](./notes/2022notes.md) - [2023 大事记](./notes/2023notes.md) ## 相关教程 1. [How to use Github?](https://gist.github.com/suziewong/4378619) 2. [Git 的常规操作](https://gist.github.com/suziewong/4378729) 3. [Git 的多账号如何处理?](https://gist.github.com/suziewong/4378434) 4. [How to use Gitlab?](https://gist.github.com/suziewong/4378780) 5. [Windows 下 Git 使用教程](https://github.com/ZJUT/hello-github/wiki/Windows-%E4%B8%8B-Git-%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B) 6. [Git Documentation](https://git-scm.com/book/zh/v2) 7. [Markdown tutorial](http://markdowntutorial.com/ 'Markdown Tutorial') 8. [Gitignore.io](https://www.gitignore.io/) ## One More Thing 另外,为了让这个项目变得更加丰富,我们也加入精弘技术大事记模块,快来看看吧。如果有你想要记录的趣事或者有什么点子的话,欢迎提交 Issue. # Ceremony of embracing GitHub / zjutjh Welcome to our family zjutjh technical team, our first target is to learn how to use the github, by this, you could take a glance of our organizers and collaborators, have a great fun! A simple game here, just send little things to thie repo. For proving that you are using Github and you have learned Git. And add you name below, make sure you know what is Markdown. Steps to join: - fork it - add your username in the members/Members.md and commit - add more files and commit (optional) - send a pull request to this repo - make sure the pull request is OK and merged