This is the implementation in PyTorch for my ACL2020 paper:
"Dynamic Online Conversation Recommendation"
Python: 2.7+
Pytorch: 1.1.0+
You need to download Glove pre-training embeddings from:
"glove.840B.300d.txt" for default.
You can also specify your own pre-trained file by using parameter "pretrained_file".
python [filename] [modelname]
[filename]: "technology" or "todayilearned" or "funny".
[modelname]: "DCR".
optional arguments:
--cuda_dev choose to use which GPU (default: "0")
--factor_dim dimension for user factor modeling (default: 20)
--neg_sample_num sampling numbers for negative instances each positive instance when training (default: 5)
--kernal_num number of kernals for CNN encoder (default: 100)
--kernal_kind kind of kernals for CNN encoder (default: 1)
--embedding_dim dimension for word embedding (default: 300)
--hidden_dim dimension for hidden states (default: 200)
--batch_size batch size (default: 256)
--max_epoch maximum iteration times (default: 100)
--lr initial learning rate (default: 0.001)
--dropout dropout rate (default: 0.2)
--mlp_layers_num number of layers for MLP (default: 2)
--gcn_layers_num number of layers for GCN (default: 1)
--runtime record the current running time (default: 0)
--pos_weight weights for positive instances in loss function (default: 100)
--optim training optimizer (default: "adam", choices: "adam", "sgd")
--att attention mechanism (default: "u", choices: "u", "n")
--month_num number of months using for training data (default: 4)
--pretrained_file specify your word embedding pretrained file (default: "glove.840B.300d.txt", "NULL" for no pretrained)
--no_lstm without LSTM module (action="store_true")
--no_gcn without GCN module (action="store_true")
Including "technology", "todayilearned" and "funny".
Each dataset contains 6 files. "201501" - "201504" are train files, "201505_test" is test file, "201505_valid" is validation file.
Format for each line in train files:
[Conv ID] \t [Msg ID] \t [Parent ID] \t [Original sentence] \t [words after preprocessing] \t [User ID] \t [posting time] \t [ups num] \t [downs num]
(In our model, we don't utilize [ups num] and [downs num], but we think it can benefit future work.)
Format for each line in test/validation file:
There are two kinds of lines:
- Conversation messages whose format just as in train files;
- Prediction lines in the form of "[Conv ID] \t [User IDs]", following the last message in that converation. Each User ID is the user that would join the conversation later.