Proposals & Tools

Important Update

The XRISM Resolve instrument's Gate Valve (X-ray aperture door) has not opened, thereby shifting Resolve's energy band from 0.3 - 12 keV to 1.7 - 12 keV and lowering the effective area. While the XRISM team will continue to assess different approaches to opening the Gate Valve, the Cycle-1 program will be carried out with the closed Gate Valve configuration. Proposals must justify the science case given the closed Gate Valve and shift in energy band. Note that the Xtend instrument is not affected by this. [Updated on Jan 11, 2024]

Because the Resolve aperture door ("gate valve") has not yet opened, the exposure time limit for Cycle 1 GO proposals has been increased to 300 ks per pointing. However, the overall limit per proposal is still 600 ks. This supersedes the instructions given in NASA Research Announcement D.18 XRISM General Observer - Cycle 1. [Updated on Feb 14, 2024]

The XRISM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is now available. [Updated on March 29, 2024]

XRISM is a collaborative mission between ISAS/JAXA and NASA/GSFC, with contributions from over 70 institutions in Japan, the U.S., Canada, and Europe. PIs affiliated with institutions in U.S. and Canada should submit their observing proposals to NASA; those affiliated with institutions in ESA member countries should submit their proposals to ESA while others (PIs in Japan as well as PIs whose affilations are not in US, Canada, or ESA member countries) should submit their proposals to JAXA. Below we provide information about the XRISM mission and tools that are relevant to all proposers, as well as specific information relevant only to those proposing through NASA.

General Observer Program

Approved targets from previous Cycles (Type-1)

Performance Verification (PV) Phase

1. XRISM General Observer (GO) Program

XRISM solicits General Observer (GO) proposals from the general scientific community. NASA is responsible for allocating the U.S. and Canadian share of XRISM observing time, soliciting via NASA's ROSES grant solicitation process. Proposals may be submitted by both U.S. and Canadian researchers to the NASA solicitation. The observing proposal (Type-1) process is divided into two phases. A Phase-1 proposal is submitted to NASA HEASARC's ARK system, containing detailed target selection forms and a concise science justification. Type-1 Phase-1 proposals are evaluated by peer review panels and the International Merging meeting. XRISM data from approved GO observations have a nominal one-year exclusive-use period commencing at the time of receipt of the processed data by the observer. The theoretial/experimental (Type-2/SAP) proposal review utilizes a single stage proposal process. Type-2 proposals are submitted to NASA's NSPIRES system. Selected Type-2 proposals are eligible for funding support.

NASA also provides grant funding to support selected Type-1 (observing) proposals. These funds are limited to proposals with PIs at U.S. institutions. Selected proposals will receive a notification letter with more details and an invitation to submit a Type-1 Phase-2 (budget) proposal. Type-1 Phase-2 proposals are submitted to NASA's NSPIRES system.

Cycle 1 important dates

DateImportant XRISM GO Cycle 1 Events
December, 2023NASA Research Announcement XRISM General Observer - Cycle 1
February 2024 Cycle 1 proposal submissions open
April 4 (Thursday), 2024 Cycle 1 Type-1 Phase-1 proposals - due at 4:30 p.m. (EDT)
Type-2 proposals - due at 11:59 p.m. (EDT)
Late June, 2024Cycle 1 peer review
August, 2024Cycle 1 observations begin

2. General Information

XRISM Guide for the US and Canadian-based Proposers

The Guide for Proposers summarizes guidelines from the NASA Research Announcement for XRISM General Observers. It also describes in detail the elements and submission method for Phase-1 (Science) XRISM General Observer proposals, as well as for Type-1 Phase-2 (Budget) proposals.

For the ESA or JAXA solicitation, please refer to the proposal deadline and submission methods at the ESA site or the JAXA site.

XRISM Proposal Submission

The HEASARC's Remote Proposal System (RPS) is an automated service providing General Observers for submitting proposals in response to NASA Research Announcements.

NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) is a computer system that helps the science and technology research community conduct research business with NASA.

Use ARK/RPS for Type-1 Phase-1 proposals and NSPIRES for Type-2 proposals.

XRISM Proposal Tools

The XRISM Proposal Tools provide documentation of the mission and applications/files that can be used for count rate and spectral simulations in order to help potential proposers demonstrate the feasibility of their proposed XRISM observations.

3. Grant Information

Type-1 Phase-2 (Budget) Proposals

U.S. PIs whose Type-1 Phase-1 proposals were assigned a Priority A, B or C target by the the International Merging meeting will be invited to submit a Type-1 Phase-2 (cost) proposal. The detailed instructions are found here. However, U.S. PIs of approved proposals with priority C targets will not receive funding until a target from their program is observed. Phase-2 proposals are for the Type-1 (observing) category only.

XRISM General Observer Program Report and Closeout

  • No-Cost Extensions/Progress Report

    The information about No-Cost Extensions on a NASA grant administered by the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) can be found in the Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM), the Grants Policy and Compliance Branch website. To request a No-Cost Extension, please complete the electronic form. A required progress report should be submitted through the electronic form page.

  • Closeout/Final Report

    XRISM GOs receiving NASA grants administered by the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) are required to file a Summary of Research Report detailing their supported activities along with necessary documentation. The final report is due 90 days after the award period of performance has ended. The instructions can be found here.

4. Additional Opportunities to Propose for XRISM Time

Unsolicited XRISM Target of Opportunity (TOO) or Directors Discretionary Time (DDT) Observations

Unsolicited ToO or DDT requests for exceptional transients may be submitted, specifically for events or sources that could not have been predicted or proposed for in GO programs. Instructions for submitting ToO/DDT requests are provided on the JAXA XRISM ToO page. The decision on whether to perform an unsolicited ToO or DDT observation will be made by the XRISM Principal Investigator or his official designee. Such ToO/DDT observations are unfunded and do not have an exclusive-use period.

Joint programs through other observatories

In Cycle 1, XRISM has no arrangements with other observatories. We anticipate joint programs beginning in future cycles.

Any questions regarding the XRISM GO program can be submitted to our XRISM helpdesk. You can access our helpdesk by using HEASARC's Feedback form , or click the "HELP" icon to the left.