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A Few Updates to AAS Journal Style

The Journals staff has been hard at work on a complete revamping of the AASTeX code. In tandem with this, the Publications Committee has identified a few key spots in AAS journal style where improvements could be made to better align with community standards and our core values.

Welcome to Kerry Kroffe, AAS Director of Scholarly Publishing

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) is pleased to announce that Kerry Kroffe is serving as the Director of Scholarly Publishing for the organization as of 9 September, 2024, following the recent retirement of AAS Chief Publishing Officer Julie Steffen.

The AAS Open Access Publishing Model: Open, Transparent, and Fair

As of 2022, all AAS journals are open access. What does our business model look like for the journals now, and why did we choose it?

The AAS Publication Support Fund: Preserving Author Access to the AAS Journals

Ethan Vishniac outlines the AAS Publication Support Fund which provides financial support to authors for the publication of their journal articles.

Author Resources

AAS Nova Research Highlights

On the Run: Hypervelocity Stars and Their Links to Type Ia Supernovae

While Type Ia supernovae have been used to determine cosmological distances and study the expansion of the universe, their origins are still under investigation. Recent simulations point to a double-detonation scenario being the catalyst for some of these extremely energetic events.

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Gliese 229 B’s Newfound Companion Solves Brown Dwarf Mystery

New observations show that Gliese 229 B is two brown dwarfs rather than one, resolving the mismatch between its measured mass and predictions of evolutionary models.

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Blowing Away Star Formation with Warm Molecular Gas

Astrobites reports on a study that uses JWST to investigate how warm, star-forming molecular gas is blown away by active galactic nuclei.

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Close Encounters of Distant Stellar Partners

Widely spaced binary stars may get voted "Least Likely to Interact," but they might surprise you: new research shows that under the right conditions, these distant stellar companions can get catastrophically close.

The post Close Encounters of Distant Stellar Partners appeared first on AAS Nova.

AAS Journals Editorial Board

The AAS Editor in Chief, the ApJ Letters Editor, the PSJ Editor, and a team of seven Lead Editors and more than 30 Science Editors manage peer review of its flagship research journals.

AAS Publications Committee

The AAS Publications Committee works with the AAS Editor in Chief to oversee the policies, editorial personnel, and new initiatives of AAS publishing.