თარგი:Cite web

![]() | ეს თარგი იყენებს თარგის სინტაქსის უკიდურესად რთულ და ეზოთერულ თვისებებს. გთხოვთ ნუ ეცდებით მის შეცვლას თუ დარწმუნებული არ ხართ, რომ გესმით მისი წყობა და მზად ხართ აანაზღაუროთ შედეგად მიღებული ზარალი. ნებისმიერი ცდა უნდა ჩატარდეს თარგის სავარჯიშოში ან თქვენს მომხმარებლის სივრცეში. |
მოცემული თარგი გამოიყენება ინტერნეტ წყაროების მითითებისთვის ვიკიპედიის სტატიებში. შეიძლება {{Cite news}}-ის გამოყენებაც სიახლეთა წყაროების მითითებაში; სტატიებში ლიტერატურის მითითების ზოგადი ინფორმაციისთვის იხილეთ ვიკიპედია:ლიტერატურის მითითება.
A general discussion of the use of templates for adding citation of open-source web content to Wikipedia articles is available at citation templates.
Common forms
- Common form (with current date)
{{cite web |url= |title= |accessdate=2025-03-20 |work= |publisher= |date= }}
- Using last, first and coauthor(s) (with current date)
{{cite web |url= |title= |accessdate=2025-03-20 |last= |first= |coauthors= |date= |work= |publisher=}}
- Using author (with current date)
{{cite web |url= |title= |accessdate=2025-03-20 |author= |date= |work= |publisher=}}
- Using non-linked retrieved date, last, first (month day)
{{cite web |url= |title= |accessdate=2025-03-20 |last= |first= |date= |work= |publisher= |dateformat=lmdy}}
- Using linked retrieved date, author (month day)
{{cite web |url= |title= |accessdate=2025-03-20 |author= |date= |work= |publisher= |dateformat=mdy}}
- Using archived version
{{cite web |url= |title= |accessdate= 2025-03-20 |author= |date= |work= |publisher= |archiveurl= |archivedate= }}
All parameters
When copying all parameters, in either horizontal or vertical layout, delete those you don't need.
- All parameters, horizontal layout
{{cite web |url= |title= |accessdate= |author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |author2= |last2= |first2= |authorlink2= |author3= |last3= |first3= |authorlink3= |author4= |last4= |first4= |authorlink4= |author5= |last5= |first5= |authorlink5= |author6= |last6= |first6= |authorlink6= |author7= |last7= |first7= |authorlink7= |author8=|last8= |first8= |authorlink8= |coauthors= |date= |year= |month= |format= |work= |publisher= |location= |pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote= |dateformat=}}
- All parameters, vertical layout
{{cite web | url = | title = | accessdate = | author = | last = | first = | authorlink = | author2 = | last2 = | first2 = | authorlink2 = | author3 = | last3 = | first3 = | authorlink3 = | author4 = | last4 = | first4 = | authorlink4 = | author5 = | last5 = | first5 = | authorlink5 = | author6 = | last6 = | first6 = | authorlink6 = | author7 = | last7 = | first7 = | authorlink7 = | author8 = | last8 = | first8 = | authorlink8 = | coauthors = | date = | year = | month = | format = | work = | publisher = | location = | pages = | language = | doi = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | dateformat = | quote = }}
Required parameters
- url: URL of online item. Start the url with the communications protocol e.g. http://.
- title: Title of online item.
- Choose a date format from the following options that matches the main text of the article.
- accessdate: Full date when item was accessed, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, for example "accessdate = 2025-03-20". Must not be wikilinked.
- dateformat: Formats the date in a consistent fashion. Possible values: none, dmy, ymd, mdy, iso. Preceding the value with an 'l' (e.g. liso, ldmy) will wikilink the date. See Template:Date.
Optional parameters
- author: Author
- last works with first to produce
last, first
- authorlink works either with author or with last & first to link to the appropriate wikipedia article. Does not work with URLs.
- coauthors: allows additional authors
- last works with first to produce
- date: Full date of publication in the same format as the main text of the article. If in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2006-02-17, must not be wikilinked; it will be linked automatically.
- OR: year: Year of publication, and month: Name of the month of publication. If you also have the day, use date instead. Must not be wikilinked.
- format: Format, e.g. PDF. HTML implied if not specified.
- work: If this item is part of a larger "work", such as a book, periodical or website, write the name of that work.
- publisher: Publisher, if any—for example if the website is hosted by a government service, educational institution, or company
- location: Geographical place of publication.
- pages: pp. 5–7: first page and optional last page. This is for listing the pages relevant to the citation, not the total number of pages in the book.
- language: language of publication (don't specify "English" as this is the default).
- doi: A digital object identifier for the document, such as 10.1038/news070508-7
- archiveurl: The URL of an archived copy of the page, if (or in case) the url becomes unavailable. Typically used to refer to services like WebCite and The Internet Archive. Requires archivedate.
- archivedate: Date when the item was archived (requires archiveurl), in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2006-02-17. Must not be wikilinked.
- quote: Relevant quote from online item.
Duplicate periods
Cite web separates fields with periods, so don't encode a field ending with a period or a duplicate period will be added. Example: publisher=Camelot, Inc will correctly show as Camelot, Inc. but publisher=Camelot, Inc. will incorrectly show as Camelot, Inc..
- Some standard use cases
- {{cite web
|author=Doe, John
|title=My favorite things part II
|publisher=Open Publishing
|work=Encyclopedia of things
→ Doe, John. (2005-04-30) My favorite things part II. Encyclopedia of things. Open Publishing. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|author=Doe, John
|title=My favorite things part II
|work=Encyclopedia of things
→ Doe, John. (2005-04-30) My favorite things part II. Encyclopedia of things. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|author=Doe, John
|title=My favorite things part II
→ Doe, John. (2005-04-30) My favorite things part II. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|author=Doe, John
|title=My favorite things part II
→ Doe, John. My favorite things part II. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|title=My favorite things part II
→ My favorite things part II. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|title=Digest of rules
|publisher= National Football League
→ Digest of rules. National Football League. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- Using format
- {{cite web
|title=List of psychotropic substances under international control
|publisher=International Narcotics Control Board
→ List of psychotropic substances under international control (PDF). International Narcotics Control Board. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- language
- {{cite web
|author=Joliet, François
|title=Honnit soit qui mal y pense
→ Joliet, François. (2005-04-30) Honnit soit qui mal y pense French. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- coauthors
- {{cite web
|coauthors=Smith, Peter; Smythe, Jim
|title=My favorite things part II
|publisher=Open Publishing
|work=Encyclopedia of things
→ Doe, John. ; Smith, Peter; Smythe, Jim (2005-04-30) My favorite things part II. Encyclopedia of things. Open Publishing. ციტირების თარიღი: 2006-05-16.
- No author
- {{cite web
|title=My favorite things part II
|publisher=Open Publishing
|work=Encyclopedia of things
|url=http://www.example.org/ | accessdate=2006-05-16
→ My favorite things part II. Encyclopedia of things. Open Publishing (2005-04-30). ციტირების თარიღი: 2006-05-16.
- No author, no publisher
- {{cite web
|title=My favorite things part II
|work=Encyclopedia of things
→ My favorite things part II. Encyclopedia of things (2005-04-30). ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|title=My favorite things part II
→ My favorite things part II (2005-04-30). ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|title=List of psychotropic substances under international control
→ List of psychotropic substances under international control Greek (PDF) (2005-04-30). ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- Using "archiveurl" and "archivedate" for webpages that have been archived
- {{cite web
|title=List of psychotropic substances under international control
→ List of psychotropic substances under international control (PDF) (2005-04-30). დაარქივებულია ორიგინალიდან — 2005-09-11. ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- {{cite web
|title=Interview with Maggie Downs
|publisher=The Desert Sun
→ Interview with Maggie Downs. The Desert Sun (2006-03-31). დაარქივებულია ორიგინალიდან — 2006-04-26.
- Using "quote"
- {{cite web
|title=My favorite things part II
|work=Encyclopedia of things
|quote=Lorem ipsum dolor.
→ My favorite things part II. Encyclopedia of things. ციტატა: „Lorem ipsum dolor.“ ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
- Omitting the "title" in error
- {{cite web
|work=Encyclopedia of things
|quote=Lorem ipsum dolor.
→ შეცდომა თარგის გამოძახებისას: cite web: პარამეტრები url და title აუცილებელად უნდა მიეთითოს.. Encyclopedia of things. ციტატა: „Lorem ipsum dolor.“ ციტირების თარიღი: 2005-07-06.
იხ. talk page თარგის გამოყენების დოკუმენტაციისთვის.