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N​ó​tt eftir n​ó​tt

by Kælan Mikla

  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      $10 USD  or more


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    This is a beautiful package. Lovely CD digipak with absolutely gorgeous cover design. Includes a fold-out mini-booklet.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Nótt eftir nótt via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 2 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $13 USD or more 


Gandreið 04:03
Nornalagið 04:22
Nornalagið Myrkur, hlaupa út í nóttina Nornir leika sér við skuggana Brosa, þær baða sig í blóðregni Svífa, bara klæddar tunglskini Sjáðu, á fullu tungli dansa þær við dauðann Brenna börnin sem að eiga hvergi heima Mig dreymir, mig dreymir, mig dreymir að á endanum hugur minn heiminum gleymi The witches’ song Darkness, running out into the night Witches play with shadows Smile, they bathe in rain of blood Glide, wearing only moonshine Look, on full moon they dance with death Burn the lost children I dream, I dream, I dream That at last my mind will forget this world
Hvernig kemst ég upp? Hvernig kemst ég upp? Því ég þekki þetta ekki lengur Leika sér að því sem ekki er Trúa á það sem að aldrei var hér En síðan kemst ég upp, aftur af stað og reyni að takast á við annan dag En ég trúi á það sem aldrei var How can I get up? How can I get up? Because I don’t know anymore Play with what isn’t there Believe in what never was here But then I get up, up once again And try to go through another day But I believe in what never was there
Skuggadans 02:27
Skuggadans Ég vaki og sé það sem gerðist, það sem var það sem gerist, það sem verður Ég sá og skildi, ég er hrein en sérðu ekki mamma? Heimurinn er sjúkur ekki ég Í skugganum af þér finn ég heiminn frjósa Í skugganum af þér milli myrkurs og ljósa Horfi móti myrkri, tómur tími stansar Skíman flýtur inn og ég finn að dimman dansar Skuggi ekki skilja mig eftir, taktu mig með þér Ég vil verða eins og þú, bara skugginn af mér Shadowplay I wake and I see all that happened, all that was All that is and all that will be I saw, I understood, I am clean But don’t you see it mother? The world is what is sick Not me In your shadow I see the world freezing In your shadow between darkness and light Look into the dark, empty time freezes Light flows in and I feel the darkness dancing Shadow don’t leave me behind I want to be just like you, just the shadow of me.
Draumadís 03:39
Draumadís Dansandi draumadís Brosið kalt, klædd í ís Horfið allt, hjartað frýs Martraða dauðadís Leiddu mig út í nóttina Leyfðu mér að dansa við skuggana Tunglsljósið lýsir upp augun mín tóm Ég dansa á frosnum hælaskóm Sjáðu mig, klökum klædda prinsessu með ískristalla kórónu Það glampar á hana svo glitrandi bjarta að hún felur næstum því hjartað mitt svarta Dulan bjarta hylur hjartað svarta Nymph of dreams Dancing nymph of dreams Cold smile, dressed in ice All is gone, frozen heart Nightmare nymph of death Lead me into the night Let me dance with the shadows The moonlight lights up my empty eyes I dance in frozen stilettos Look at me, a princess dressed in ice With an icicle crystal crown It sparkles so beautiful, glittery bright That it even, almost, hides my black heart Her bright dress hides her black heart
Næturblóm 04:06
Næturblóm Nóttin klæðir okkur best Við vöknum þegar sólin sest Þegar skammdegið er svartast skína næturblómin bjartast og þau gera það þótt við finnum þau ekki hér Því þau rifnuðu upp með rótum og standa núna á tveimur fótum og blómstra í dömunni sem dansar við hliðiná mér Nightflowers The night suits us best We wake up when the sun goes down When midwinter is at its’ darkest The nightflowers shine the brightest And they do it although we won’t find them here Because the ripped themselves up by the roots And now they’re standing on two feet And bloom in the lady that’s dancing next to me
Andvaka 03:52
Andvaka Ég er ljósið Ég er myrkrið Sárt, berskjaldað syndavirkið Niðurbældar vonir Eilíf eymd sem vofir yfir andvaka andartökum endurtekinna martraða Andvarp varpar ljósi á fornt grafið myrkur Sleepless Im the lightness Im the darkness A hurt and vulnerable fortress of sins Suppressed hopes Eternal misery that looms Over sleepless moments of repeated nightmares A sigh sheds light On past buried darkness.
Nótt eftir Nótt ft. Bang Gang Ósamræmi, hugur minn á sveimi úr takt við hugans rætur Fljótandi hugsanir, algleymi Umlukin myrkri í draumi Sveipuð djúpu húmi, augun tómu bláu opna nýjan heim að hugans hafi, gráu Ég breiði svarta vængi yfir, kafna í köldu myrkri Nóttin herðir fastar að þar til ég missi andann Andvaka, ofin í endurteknar martraðir Heltekin af skjálfandi andnauð Drukknandi í endalausu draumkendu svartholi Andvaka martraða svartholi Nótt eftir nótt eftir nótt þú sefur ekki Night after Night ft. Bang Gang Inconsistency, my mind wandering Out of line with its’ roots Floating thoughts, oblivion Surrounded by darkness, in a dream Wrapped in deep dusk The empty blue eyes Open a new realm Into the minds grey ocean I spread black wings over Suffocate in cold darkness The night tightens its’ grip Until I lose my breath Sleepless, woven into repeated nightmares Consumed by shivering breathlessness Drowning in a never ending dreamy black hole A sleepless nightmare black hole Night after Night after Night You don’t sleep
Dáið er allt án drauma Hvert andartak verður að ári, hver einasta hugsun að sári, hver tilfinning að tári Reyni samt að dreyma, opna nýja heima Sorgum virðist erfitt að gleyma Milli svefns og vöku urðu draumarnir raunverulegir og veruleikinn martröð Ég veit að raunveruleikinn er þarna einhversstaðar en ég kemst ekki nær og ég er búin að reyna Ætli það sé óhollt að láta sig dreyma? Dead is all without dreams Each moment becomes a year Each thought becomes a wound Each feeling becomes a tear Still I try to dream Open new realms Sadness seems hard to forget Between sleep and wake The dreams became real And reality became a nightmare I know reality is out there somewhere But I can’t get any closer and I have already tried I wonder if it’s unhealthy to dream?


Icelandic trio Kælan Mikla returns for the group’s third album, Nótt eftir nótt.

Topping a year that catapulted the band onto stages shared with the likes of The Cure and Placebo, Nótt eftir nótt is Kælan Mikla at their most confident, and their most deadly. It’s been five years since Margrét Rósa, Laufey Soffia, and Sólveig Matthildur formed the band in Reykjavik, and after several tours and high-profiles stages, as well as two critically-acclaimed albums, Kælan Mikla has truly brought their A-game.

Starting off quietly with a creepy, gothed-out and ethereal intro, Nótt eftir nótt erupts with post-punk brilliance and synthlines that harken back to the bad old days of the Batcave, big hair, and Egyptian-inspired eye-liner. Tracks like the melancholy “Hvernig kemst ég upp?” are wonderfully delightful, while the band goes for the big goth dance number on “Skuggadans,” succeeding with glorious ease. Near the end of Nótt eftir nótt, when you’ve already ingested a healthy dose of Diamanda Galas meets The Birthday Party, the title track, produced by popular Icelandic electronic wizard Bang Gang, is basically perfect.

Hot on the heels of shows at Roadburn, Meltdown, and The Cure’s 40th Anniversary, as well as a Fall tour supporting King Dude, Kælan Mikla are set to take their place as one of darkest aural poets on the world stage.

Toronto-based Artoffact Records will release Nótt eftir nótt on CD, vinyl, and digital formats this Fall.


released November 9, 2018

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Kælan Mikla Reykjavik, Iceland

Synth-punk/ Dark-pop, from Iceland

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