Dear Supporters of the International Day of Light,
We are delighted to share an update with you about the International Day of Light 2023 (IDL 2023), which was once again a great success with activities and impact worldwide. 

We were very honoured to receive a special message from the Director-General of UNESCO who reminds us that "Light is at the very crossroads of all the components of UNESCO’s mandate. From making science more open and promoting careers in research, especially for women, to making commitments to education, to cultural diversity and diversity of heritage, and to the free distribution of information, our organization’s efforts all share a single vision - a brighter future." This support at the highest level is a reflection of your tremendous commitment to make IDL such an important part of the global science outreach and communication calendar.  

For the International Day of Light 2023, we saw over 400 events take place in more than 61 countries and worldwide, covering themes in basic science, photonics, lighting, astronomy, healthcare, energy, industry, art, culture, education, and more. Based on the information provided by organisers, we estimate over 550,000 participants at global events and large festivals and an audience of 60,000 for targeted local and national events. Around 9% of the events were held in schools. We have prepared a summary infographic with key facts and figures. If you haven’t looked already, it is truly inspiring to survey the worldwide events calendar. And we are thrilled to see events continuing all year, and new registrations appearing on our calendar.

The social media impact of the International Day of Light was as usual impressive, with messages from multiple UN agencies, major science and policy organisations, and partners around the world in both the public and private sectors. See below for a brief report. This year, SPIE, Optica, and the IEEE Photonics Society launched the Possible Through Light campaign showcasing optics and photonics industry's success and future promise, along with a series of career vignettes of optics and photonics engineers and scientists. Other themes and highlights for 2023 include the Liter of Light Pyramid Display associated with COP27, the IAU Dark & Quiet Skies Survey, International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, LUCI Declaration on the Future of Urban Lighting, Gdansk Festival of Light, One Dollar Glasses and Goodvision, the Daylight Talks and many more. Please also check out the news item below for information on the ongoing SPIE Photo Contest for the International Day of Light 2023. And if you have any of your own activities that will continue to run throughout 2023, make sure they are registered here.

In closing, let us thank you once again for all your commitment and support. Planning will start soon for the International Day of Light in 2024, and we look forward to working with you once again! 

John Dudley and Joseph Niemela
IDL 2023 Steering Committee Chairs
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Geethu Paulose
IDL Communications Coordinator
Email: [email protected]


International Day of Light Social Media Impact 2023 

The social media impact of the International Day of Light was as usual impressive, with messages from multiple UN agencies - UNESCO, UNESCO National Commissions, the United Nations Development Programme, the UN Office for Sustainable Development, UN Women, the UN Peacekeeping, and ICTP. There were also many other social media posts and engagements, including from all the Steering Committee members (thank you!) and a wide range of other partners. We will be compiling more data in the coming weeks, but a partial list of social media participants includes: the Nobel Prize, the International Astronomical Union; the European Space Agency ESA; the ESA Space for Earth; ESA's Paxi (education channel for young people); the European Southern Observatory (ESO); synchrotron sources and research infrastructures from around the world; many laser and photonics companies like Nokia Bell Labs, BotLab Dynamics; the US Department of Energy; the US National Photonics Initiative; the World Bank (Climate); the European Commission CORDIS (EU-funded projects); the European Research Council ERC; the Gujarat Council on Science & Technology; Science and Technology Facilities Council; Liter of Light Philippines; Max Planck School of Photonics; the Chemistry Europe and many more from the public and private sector, NGOs, and individuals around the world. And finally, we cannot leave this list without mentioning some very unexpected posts from, Audi India and the football club SL Benfica!  

Geethu Paulose
IDL 2023 Communications Coordinator
Email: c[email protected] 

Illuminating Young Minds with Light

The Active learning in Optics Group from the Department of Physics of Quaid.i.Azam University, Islamabad (Pakistan) organised a one day optics workshop for Fatima Jinnah Women university in Rawalpindi. The event started with an oral presentation on " Say it with Light "  followed by a demonstration of different kinds of light sources. The hands-on activities covered topics on LEDs and lasers, properties of light, light as a wave, particle, ray, description of light, reflection, refraction and transmission, total internal reflection, working principle of fiber optics communication, interference of light, single and double slit diffraction and experiments with polarisers. The group also conducted one day optics hands-on workshop at Rawalpindi Women University with 4th Semester undergraduate girl students, the Department of Physics at QAU and the International Islamic university female campus in Islamabad.

Dr. Imrana Zahid
Email: [email protected]

Image credit: Imrana Zahid  

International Day of Light in India

The Zaheer Science Foundation (ZSF), based in New Delhi, India, organised an event to launch its monthly e-Newsletter on ‘Science & Society in Media’ as part of its IDL 2023 celebrations on July 17th. Dr. Tabassum Jamal Chairperson, ZSF, welcomed all the guests & participants and spoke about IDL 2022 all day online workshop under the banner of UNESCO-IDL which was a great success and published in the November 2022 issue of the newsletter. Dr. M. Rais, Secretary ZSF expressed his views on the significance of the e-newsletter in spreading the awareness about science and society.

Distinguished scientists and media persons attended the event highlighting the significance of science to society and its dissemination to masses. The chief guest of the event, Dr. M. Kasim, Director, Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, addressed the gathering and spoke about the relevance of the e-newsletter to promote awareness on advancement of scientific and technological development, especially in the fields of health, environment, education, agriculture, and women in science.

Dr. Nakul Prashar, Former Director, Vigyan Prasar, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, expressed his views on linking science and technology developments for societal needs and the dissemination of knowledge through media in all possible regional languages. Dr. Ram Boojh, CEO-Mobius Foundation, New Delhi and former Science Programme Chief, UNESCO New Delhi Office, elaborated issues on sustainable development goals of the United Nations and praised the efforts of ZSF for initiating the monthly e-newsletter on Science & Society in Media.

Prof. Zahid H. Khan, Advisor, ZSF and National Node for India for IDL 2023, presented the details of IDL from its start in 2018 till now and expressed his gratitude to Prof. John Dudley, IDL-2023 Steering Committee Chair for his inspiration and guidance all these years.

Prof. Zahid H. Khan
National Node for India for the International Day of Light
Advisor, Zaheer Science Foundation, New Delhi, India.
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Tabassum Jamal
Chairperson, Zaheer Science Foundation, New Delhi, India
Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Image Credit: ZSF 

International Year of Quantum Science & Technology 2025

Many members of the International Day of Light Community will be very excited to learn that the UNESCO Executive Board has just taken a Decision towards the proclamation of an International Year of Quantum Science and Technology planned for 2025 (IYQ2025)  More than 50 member states of UNESCO officially co-sponsored the resolution, with broad geographical representation spanning continents across the globe

The aim of  IYQ2025 is to raise awareness and highlight how quantum science and technology play a central role in society, ranging from the development of devices such as lasers and transistors to the engineering of quantum systems. A key priority is to stress the potential of quantum science and technology to address pressing societal issues related to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Those goals cover 17 areas, including poverty, hunger, and climate change, that world leaders agreed to address by 2030. 

Following the UNESCO Executive Board decision, the proposal now moves to the UNESCO General Conference and the United Nations General Assembly.  If you are interested in learning how to support this initiative, please contact as shown below.  

Joseph Niemela
International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
Email: [email protected]

Start planning for #LightDay2024 now!
It is never too early to start thinking about and planning an event for the International Day of Light in 2024. Remember that speakers are often in high demand during May for international conferences, and it's best to give them as much advance notice as possible - even if you are asking for online participation.  Planning early also gives you the opportunity to contact local sources of financial support (e.g. your school, university or institute) and to make contact with other partners such as those on the International Day of Light Steering Commitee. Remember to check out our resources and event guidelines, and to let us know of anything you may be planning.   

International Day of Light in the News

Many worldwide media outlets and journals published press releases and other articles related to the International Day of Light, and it is always exciting to learn about the broad reach that the celebration has in diverse communities. Amongst the many news releases associated with the 2023 edition of the International Day of Light, a selection is below. 

Free energy-saving lighting: To address rising energy costs, an initiative by GLOW and Signify distributed free LED bulbs to residents of Eindhoven’s Philipsdorp (philips village) during the International Day of Light.

UNESCO, Daylight And Architecture, Time and Date and India Today featured International Day of Light on May 16.

HiLASE Laser Center organised various events to celebrate the 6th edition of the International Day of Light.

FEMTO-ST institute, Université de Franche-Comté: The FEMTO-ST institute celebrated the 60th anniversary of the optics laboratory and the 600th anniversary of the University of Franche-Comté with a special event on May 16.

Energy efficiency in the field of lighting: The Quantum group focuses on raising public and industry's awareness on the impact of efficiency in terms of climate, costs and savings.

Aalto University celebrates the contributions of photonics research pioneering in bringing efficient solutions to society through the science of light.

Geethu Paulose
IDL 2023 Communications Coordinator
Email: c[email protected] 

SPIE International Day of Light Photo Contest 2023

The SPIE International Day of Light Photo Contest is held annually to raise awareness about the International Day of Light, and to demonstrate the impact light has on cultural, economic, and political aspects of our global society. Amateur and professional photographers alike are encouraged to submit photos for a chance to win cash prizes. Photographers age 13 to 17 should submit their images to the Youth Photo Contest. The theme of the photo contest is "A World of Light: The Vital Role That Light and Light-Based Technologies Play in Daily Life." Examples of content can include the properties of light, light technology, light images, people interacting with light, light and sustainable development, and more. The 2023 SPIE IDL Photo Contest runs from 16 May 2023 to 16 September 2023.  Please see the Contest Page for more information. 

Email: [email protected]

Image Credits: Roadscape, Mustasinur Rahman Alvi and SPIE

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