
The Lake Level Monitor 

LOCSS Project Newsletter
August 2021
The Lake Observations by Citizen Scientists & Satellites project seeks to better understand how the quantity of water in lakes is changing.

Citizen Scientists Will Help Validate Satellite Data!

We are currently studying more than 150 lakes, working to understand how the amount of water in those lakes is changing over time.  To do this, we use lake height data from citizen scientists, and lake surface area measurements from satellites. However, there are satellites that are measuring the surface elevation of water bodies, essentially making the same measurements as LOCSS citizen scientists.  The LOCSS team is now using citizen science data to validate satellite data that measures lake height directly.
By the Numbers: We are monitoring 152 lakes. To date,
4045 citizen scientists have submitted 13,473 lake height measurements. 

Interested In Including Your Lake In LOCSS? Let Us Know!

We recently learned that we have been granted additional funding to expand the LOCSS project.  With this additional funding, we are adding new lakes to our study.  

If you know of a lake that would be a good fit for our project, please let us know!  

LOCSS Developing a Mobile App

We are developing a mobile app that will make it easier for citizen scientists to report lake heights. We are looking for volunteers to test out the Android version of the app. If you are willing, please let us know by emailing [email protected]

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Many of the LOCSS study lakes are in areas that are being affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. The LOCSS team wants all of our local partners and volunteer citizen scientists to know that your health and safety is extremely important to us.

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Target Monitoring Dates

Any lake height measurements that are provided are useful & help us better understand the lake.  But measurements that are taken on certain days are even more useful because we can pair them with satellite data to determine how the volume of water in the lake has changed.  To find out when these target dates occur for your lake, follow the link below.

Target Dates 


Copyright © 2017 UNC Institute for the Environment. All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Lake Observations by Citizen Scientists & Satellites
[email protected]
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1105

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Funding Provided by NASA

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