這隻名叫Diva的虎斑犬,11月底出現在印第安納州羅林普雷里區(Rolling Prairie)的Oak Knoll獸醫診所,女獸醫瑪姬(Maggie Thornberry)與伊莉莎白(Elizabeth Daniele)發現小狗後先掃描看看有沒有晶片,意外發現小狗已經失蹤2個月,而且是來自1千多公里外的科羅拉多州。
@maggiethornberry48 Someone brought in this sweet stray to be scanned for a microchip. We contacted the owners and told them we had found their dog. They said their pup had been missing for two months and they would come and get her immediately. We told them where we were located in Indiana and we would wait for them. They said they were from COLORADO!!!! We decided we would leave at 5am the next morning, travel halfway to Kansas City, and unite this pup with her owners. This was such a heartwarming experience for both @Elizabeth Daniele and me. We absolutely love our jobs and are so thankful for Oak Knoll Vet Clinic for giving us this opportunity. Dr. Szuba, our office manager Josh, and all of our wonderful coworkers make moments like this possible. We would do it a thousand times again. These are the stories that remind us why we do what we do. Welcome home, Diva <3 #fyp #dogsoftiktok #reunited #vetmed ♬ Save My Soul - noahrinker
瑪姬表示,他們透過晶片順利聯絡到狗主人,當主人知道Diva的下落時非常激動,「他們非常激動,並且不停的哭,因為已經2個多月沒有Diva的消息」。由於Diva目前所在地與主人家距離非常遙遠,至少相隔4個州,最後雙方決定約在介於2地中的密蘇里州堪薩斯城(Kansas City)會面。