Per the most recent color contrast checker run, there are about 40 color contrast violations in the top 100 wikipedia pages related to Template:Track listing.
Issue Details:
Skin: Minerva (Night Mode)
Problem Area: Template:Track_listing
Steps to Reproduce:
Go to this sample page
Navigate to .track-listing
Expected Result:
The text and background colors within the infobox should have a WCAG 2.0 level AA contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.
Actual Result
Foreground color (hex) | Background color (hex) | Font Size | Contrast | AA | AAA |
#EAECFO | #FFFFFF | Small | 1.18 | X | X |
#EAECFO | #FTFTF7 | Small | 1.1 | X | X |
#6699FF | #FTFTF7 | Small | 2.59 | X | X |
Screenshots of color contrast issues.