We're transforming
the industry.
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We're transforming
the industry.

How we create a more successful path forward.
As a part of PrePass Safety Alliance, PrePass is committed to improving highway safety and efficiency through innovative, data-driven solutions. We invest net proceeds from our bypass and tolling programs back into the transportation industry to serve this mission. This unique approach allows us to drive continuous improvement in three key areas: product innovation, infrastructure development, and future-focused collaborations.
We bring new and innovative solutions to the industry, build and maintain bypass infrastructure at no cost to states, and partner with transportation and government entities to optimize cutting-edge technologies. Our efforts include advancements in Level VIII inspections, e-screening, and other emerging technologies that promise to reshape the future of commercial transportation safety and efficiency.
Paving the way forward for our industry.
How We Operate
Our Story
PrePass introduced MOTION app driver roadway safety ALERTS.
750,000 +