The REP contains the index of all ROS Enhancement Proposals,
known as REPs. REP numbers are assigned by the REP Editor, and
once assigned are never changed. The GIT history[1] of the REP
texts represent their historical record.
Index by Category
num title owner
--- ----- -----
Meta-REPs (REPs about REPs or Processes)
P 1 REP Purpose and Guidelines Conley
P 2 Scope of REP Process, REP Stacks Conley
P 8 Style Guide for Python Code Conley
P 10 Voting Guidelines Conley
P 12 Sample reStructuredText REP Template Conley
Other Informational REPs
I 3 Target Platforms Foote, Conley
I 101 ROS 1.4 Release Schedule Conley
I 103 Standard Units of Measure and Coordinate Conventions Foote, Purvis
I 105 Coordinate Frames for Mobile Platforms Meeussen
I 108 ROS Diamondback Variants Conley
I 113 ROS Electric Variants Conley
I 120 Coordinate Frames for Humanoid Robots Moulard
I 128 Naming Conventions for Catkin Based Workspaces Foote, Thomas
I 131 ROS Groovy Variants Foote
I 133 Separation of build environment and source tree tools Foote, Thomas, Woodall
I 134 catkin_make_isolated for non-standard catkin packages Woodall, Thomas, Kruse
I 135 Driver Namespace Practices Rockey
I 136 Releasing Third Party, Non catkin Packages Woodall
I 138 LaserScan Common Topics, Parameters, and Diagnostic ... Rockey
I 142 ROS Indigo and Newer Metapackages Foote
I 144 ROS Package Naming Rabaud
I 150 ROS Melodic and Newer Metapackages Foote, Lalancette
I 2000 ROS 2 Releases and Target Platforms Arguedas, Ragnarok, Thomas, Nash, Biggs, Gutierrez
I 2001 ROS 2 Variants Foote, Arguedas, White, Lu!!, Ragnarok, Lalancette
I 2004 Package Quality Categories Woodall
I 2005 ROS 2 Common Packages Gerkey, Thomas
I 2006 ROS 2 Vulnerability Disclosure Policy Group
Accepted REPs (accepted; may not be implemented yet)
SA 127 Specification of package manifest format Thomas
SA 132 Incorporation of Changelogs into Package Source Tree Foote, Kruse, Shah, Thomas, Woodall
SA 137 ROS distribution files Foote, Thomas, Mathieu
Open REPs (under consideration)
I 110 SCM-like rosinstall command structure Kruse
S 119 Specification for TurtleBot Compatible Platforms Wise, Foote
S 122 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard layout changes for ROS Conley, Straszheim, Kjaergaard, Rublee, Foote, Gerkey, O'Quin, Thomas
S 124 Changes to roslaunch and rosrun for REP 122 and ... Conley, Gerkey
S 126 New root element "setup-file" for rosinstall files Foote, Kruse
I 145 Conventions for IMU Sensor Drivers Bovbel
I 155 Conventions, Topics, Interfaces for Perception in ... Lemaignan
I 2002 ROS 2 Rolling Release Ragnarok
S 2003 Sensor Data and Map QoS Settings Macenski
S 2008 ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Architecture and ... Mayoral-Vilches
Finished REPs (done, implemented in code repository)
SF 100 ROS Stack Separation Foote, Conley, Gerkey
SF 104 CameraInfo updates for Diamondback Mihelich
SF 107 Diagnostic System for Robots Running ROS Foote
SF 109 Unary Stacks Conley
SF 111 Multiple Package Manager Support for Rosdep Foote, Thomas, Logan
SF 112 Source Package Manager for Rosdep Foote
SF 114 rospkg standalone Python library Conley
SF 115 rosco and roslocate tools for rosinstall Conley
SF 116 Extend pluginlib Thomas
SF 117 Informational Distance Measurements Rockey
SF 118 Depth Images Mihelich
SF 121 Automatic unloading of libraries for pluginlib Thomas
SF 123 ROS_ETC_DIR, ROS_DISTRO environment variables and ... Conley
SF 125 rosdep 2 Conley
SF 140 Package Manifest Format Two Specification Thomas, O'Quin
SF 141 ROS distribution files Thomas
SF 143 ROS distribution files Thomas
SF 149 Package Manifest Format Three Specification Thomas
SF 151 Python 3 Support Thomas, Loretz
SF 153 ROS distribution files Thomas
SF 2007 Type Adaptation Feature Nash, Woodall
SF 2009 Type Negotiation Feature Nash, Lalancette, de Pedro, Woodall
Deferred, Abandoned, Withdrawn, and Rejected REPs
IW 9 ABI Compatibility Faust
SW 102 ROS Install Target Gerkey
SW 106 Polled topics Thomas
ID 147 A Standard interface for Aerial Vehicles Foote
IR 2014 Benchmarking performance in ROS 2 Mayoral-Vilches, Lütkebohle, Bédard, Araújo
Numerical Index
num title owner
--- ----- -----
P 1 REP Purpose and Guidelines Conley
P 2 Scope of REP Process, REP Stacks Conley
I 3 Target Platforms Foote, Conley
P 8 Style Guide for Python Code Conley
IW 9 ABI Compatibility Faust
P 10 Voting Guidelines Conley
P 12 Sample reStructuredText REP Template Conley
SF 100 ROS Stack Separation Foote, Conley, Gerkey
I 101 ROS 1.4 Release Schedule Conley
SW 102 ROS Install Target Gerkey
I 103 Standard Units of Measure and Coordinate Conventions Foote, Purvis
SF 104 CameraInfo updates for Diamondback Mihelich
I 105 Coordinate Frames for Mobile Platforms Meeussen
SW 106 Polled topics Thomas
SF 107 Diagnostic System for Robots Running ROS Foote
I 108 ROS Diamondback Variants Conley
SF 109 Unary Stacks Conley
I 110 SCM-like rosinstall command structure Kruse
SF 111 Multiple Package Manager Support for Rosdep Foote, Thomas, Logan
SF 112 Source Package Manager for Rosdep Foote
I 113 ROS Electric Variants Conley
SF 114 rospkg standalone Python library Conley
SF 115 rosco and roslocate tools for rosinstall Conley
SF 116 Extend pluginlib Thomas
SF 117 Informational Distance Measurements Rockey
SF 118 Depth Images Mihelich
S 119 Specification for TurtleBot Compatible Platforms Wise, Foote
I 120 Coordinate Frames for Humanoid Robots Moulard
SF 121 Automatic unloading of libraries for pluginlib Thomas
S 122 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard layout changes for ROS Conley, Straszheim, Kjaergaard, Rublee, Foote, Gerkey, O'Quin, Thomas
SF 123 ROS_ETC_DIR, ROS_DISTRO environment variables and ... Conley
S 124 Changes to roslaunch and rosrun for REP 122 and ... Conley, Gerkey
SF 125 rosdep 2 Conley
S 126 New root element "setup-file" for rosinstall files Foote, Kruse
SA 127 Specification of package manifest format Thomas
I 128 Naming Conventions for Catkin Based Workspaces Foote, Thomas
I 131 ROS Groovy Variants Foote
SA 132 Incorporation of Changelogs into Package Source Tree Foote, Kruse, Shah, Thomas, Woodall
I 133 Separation of build environment and source tree tools Foote, Thomas, Woodall
I 134 catkin_make_isolated for non-standard catkin packages Woodall, Thomas, Kruse
I 135 Driver Namespace Practices Rockey
I 136 Releasing Third Party, Non catkin Packages Woodall
SA 137 ROS distribution files Foote, Thomas, Mathieu
I 138 LaserScan Common Topics, Parameters, and Diagnostic ... Rockey
SF 140 Package Manifest Format Two Specification Thomas, O'Quin
SF 141 ROS distribution files Thomas
I 142 ROS Indigo and Newer Metapackages Foote
SF 143 ROS distribution files Thomas
I 144 ROS Package Naming Rabaud
I 145 Conventions for IMU Sensor Drivers Bovbel
ID 147 A Standard interface for Aerial Vehicles Foote
SF 149 Package Manifest Format Three Specification Thomas
I 150 ROS Melodic and Newer Metapackages Foote, Lalancette
SF 151 Python 3 Support Thomas, Loretz
SF 153 ROS distribution files Thomas
I 155 Conventions, Topics, Interfaces for Perception in ... Lemaignan
I 2000 ROS 2 Releases and Target Platforms Arguedas, Ragnarok, Thomas, Nash, Biggs, Gutierrez
I 2001 ROS 2 Variants Foote, Arguedas, White, Lu!!, Ragnarok, Lalancette
I 2002 ROS 2 Rolling Release Ragnarok
S 2003 Sensor Data and Map QoS Settings Macenski
I 2004 Package Quality Categories Woodall
I 2005 ROS 2 Common Packages Gerkey, Thomas
I 2006 ROS 2 Vulnerability Disclosure Policy Group
SF 2007 Type Adaptation Feature Nash, Woodall
S 2008 ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Architecture and ... Mayoral-Vilches
SF 2009 Type Negotiation Feature Nash, Lalancette, de Pedro, Woodall
IR 2014 Benchmarking performance in ROS 2 Mayoral-Vilches, Lütkebohle, Bédard, Araújo
S - Standards Track REP
I - Informational REP
P - Process REP
A - Accepted proposal
R - Rejected proposal
W - Withdrawn proposal
D - Deferred proposal
F - Final proposal
A - Active proposal
D - Draft proposal
R - Replaced proposal
name email address
---- -------------
Araújo, Rayza araujorayza at
Arguedas, Mikael mikael at
Bédard, Christophe bedard.christophe at
Biggs, Geoffrey geoff at
Bovbel, Paul paul at
Conley, Ken kwc at
Faust, Josh
Foote, Tully tfoote at
Gerkey, Brian gerkey at
Group, ROS 2 Security Working, Chris Lalancette clalancette at
Gutierrez, Marco A. marcogg at
Kjaergaard, Morten
Kruse, Thibault kruset at
Lalancette, Chris clalancette at
Lemaignan, Séverin severin.lemaignan at
Logan, Scott K
Loretz, Shane
Lu!!, David V. davidvlu at
Lütkebohle, Ingo ingo.luetkebohle at
Macenski, Steve stevenmacenski at
Mathieu, Paul
Mayoral-Vilches, Víctor victor at
Meeussen, Wim
Mihelich, Patrick mihelich at
Moulard, Thomas thomas.moulard at
Nash, Audrow audrow at
O'Quin, Jack
de Pedro, Gonzalo gonzalodepedro at
Purvis, Mike
Rabaud, Vincent vincent.rabaud at
Ragnarok, Steven! steven at
Rockey, Chad chadrockey at
Rublee, Ethan
Shah, Mirza
Straszheim, Troy
Thomas, Dirk dthomas at
Thomas, Dirk, Thibault Kruse kruset at
White, Ruffin roxfoxpox at
Wise, Melonee
Woodall, William william at
[1] View REP history online