[BOOK][B] Adaptive blind signal and image processing: learning algorithms and applications

A Cichocki, S Amari - 2002 - books.google.com
adaptive algorithms for blind and semi-blind signal processing with a particular focus on
robust algorithms … Moreover, novel adaptive systems and associated learning algorithms are …

[CITATION][C] Adaptive blind signal and image processing: learning algorithms and applications [book review]

JC Rajapakse - IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… topics and applications. I highly recommend the book to any reader interested in blind
signal and image processing. Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis of Recurrent Neural Net- …

Adaptive blind signal processing-neural network approaches

S Amari, A Cichocki - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… INTRODUCTION There are many potential applications of neural networks to signal
processing. This paper treats learning algorithms for blind signal separation and deconvolution of …

Applications of neural blind separation to signal and image processing

J Karhunen, A Hyvarinen, R Vigário… - … Signal Processing, 1997 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… least-squares type neural or adaptive learning algorithm 1201 which is more accurate …
applications. A drawback is that the fixed-point algorithms are not strictly neural and data-adaptive

[PDF][PDF] Local adaptive learning algorithms for blind separation of natural images

A Cichocki, W Kasprzak - Neural network world, 1996 - academia.edu
learning algorithms for a multi{layer arti cial neural network (ANN). The rst algorithm is based
on a recently developed adaptive … consider two di erent learning algorithms where each of …

[BOOK][B] Blind signal processing

X Shi - 2011 - Springer
In this information age, digital signal processing technology is playing an increasingly important
role in various fields of science and technology. Blind signal processing (BSP) has been …

Blind signal processing by the adaptive activation function neurons

S Fiori - Neural Networks, 2000 - Elsevier
… The MOD-BSF learning algorithm can be summarized as follows: … a novel Blind Source
Separation technique based on the experience of our research group in the polynomial adaptive

Blind signal processing by complex domain adaptive spline neural networks

A Uncini, F Piazza - IEEE transactions on neural networks, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… [12] HH Yang and SI Amari, “Adaptive on-line learning algorithms for blind separation-maximum
entropy and minimum mutual information,” Neural Comput., vol. 9, pp. 1457–1482, 1997…

[BOOK][B] Fundamentals of adaptive signal processing

A Uncini - 2015 - Springer
… performance of online adaptation algorithms, is introduced. Finally, variants of the LMS
algorithm, some multichannel algorithms applications, and delayed learning algorithms, such as …

Blind separation of image sources via adaptive dictionary learning

V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi… - … on Image Processing, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… This problem, which is known as blind source separation (BSS), can be presented by the
following … In addition, considering faster dictionary learning algorithms rather than K-SVD can …