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Euclid NISP instrument

Euclid NISP instrument

The Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) instrument is composed of a matrix of 4×4 2040×2040 18-micron pixel TIS detectors provided by Teledyne, covering a field of view of 0.53 deg2 shared with VIS, with 0.3 arcsecond-wide pixels. The photometric channel of NISP will be equipped with 3 broad band filters (Y, J and H) covering the wavelength ranges 900–1192 nm, 1192–1544 nm and 1544–2000 nm, respectively. The spectroscopic channel of NISP will be equipped with 4 different low resolution near-infrared grisms (with spectral resolution of R=380 for a 0.5 arcsecond diameter source), 3 'red' grisms (1250 nm – 1850 nm) and 1 'blue' grisms (920 nm – 1250 nm), but with no slit (i.e. performing 'slitless' spectroscopy).


Instrument characteristics
Near-infrared spectrometer and photometer (NISP)
Field-of-view 0.763 deg × 0.722 deg
Capability Near-infrared imaging photometry Near-infrared spectroscopy
Wavelength range Y (920 - 1146 nm) J (1146 - 1372 nm) H (1372 - 2000 nm) 1100 - 2000 nm
Sensitivity 24 mag
5σ  point source
24 mag
5σ  point source
24 mag
5σ  point source
3 × 10-16 erg cm-2 s-1
3.5σ  unresolved line flux
Detector Technology 16 arrays
2k × 2k near-infrared sensitive HgCdTe detectors
Pixel Size
Spectral resolution
0.3 arcsec 0.3 arcsec
Last Update: 19 September 2019
21-Oct-2024 01:30 UT

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