visual-tools: regular updates & discussions around building visual tooling
📅Follow our meetings on the Clojure Calendar Feed📅
The goal of this group is to create collaborations in learning and building Clojure tools data visualization, literate programming, and UI design.
The authors of several actively developed tools have been involved in offering talks and collaborating in this space (Chlorine, Clover, Calva and its Notebooks, Portal, Viscous, Sidebar, Nette, Fabricate, Omni-trace, Oz, Saite, Notespace, Clay, Claykind, Goldly, Saturn, clt-tiles, Obsidian Wielder, Cardigan Bay, Platypub, Data Rabbit, Clerk, Mosaic, MetaREPL, Meyvn, badspreadsheet, Noj, ggclj, Space-Age, FlowStorm, Clojure Sublimed, docker-nrepl.el, etc.).
Our meetings are announced on the Clojure Calendar Feed.
Wish to present on a meetup? Please reach out
Meeting 33 (Mar 27th 2025): Workflow Demos 7 - Sublime Text - 📆 event
Meeting 32 (Mar 26th 2025): Workflow Demos 6 - 📆 event
Meeting 31 (Mar 24th 2025): Workflow Demos 5 - Clay - 📆 event
Meeting 30 (Jan 23rd 2025): Workflow Demos 4: LLMs in Emacs for Clojure - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 29 (Jan 15th 2025): Workflow Demos 3 - Flowstorm - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 28 (Jan 7rd 2025): Workflow Demos 2 - Emacs CIDER, Portal, Snitch, clj-reload, Cursive, Neovim Conjure, Parinfer - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 27 (Jan 3rd 2025): Workflow Demos 1 - Emacs, CIDER, VSCode Calva, Zulip 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 26 (June 16th 2024): Gemini, Space-Age, protocols from the REPL - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 25 (June 7th 2024): keg-party - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 24 (Apr. 26th 2024): badspreadsheet & HTMX - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 23 (Apr. 7th 2024): ggplot study session 3 - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 22 (Mar. 17th 2024): ggplot study session 2 - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 21 (Feb. 25th 2024): ggplot study session 1 - 🎥 summary & recording
Meetings 20 (Dec. 1st 2023): Various updates - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 19 (July 7th 2023): Electric - 📆 event (log in to Clojureverse to view)
Meeting 18 (May 27th 2023): Mosaic and other updates - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 17 (April 1st 2023): various updates - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 16 (Nov. 19th 2022): Calva Notebooks and Portal - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 15 (Oct. 23th 2022): a common ground for notes with Kindly - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 14 - special meeting (Oct. 20th 2022): Clerk workshop - event (not recorded)
Meeting 13 - monthly (Oct. 14th 2022): Interactive visualizations: Shiny, Shadow-cljs, Clay - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 12 - special meeting (Sep. 9h 2022): Data Rabbit - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 11 - monthly meeting (Sep. 2th 2022): tooling for learning resources - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 10 - monthly meeting (Aug. 5th 2022): Oz - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 9 - general monthly (July 2nd 2022): clj-tiles, Obsidian Wielder, Cardigan Bay, Platypub - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 8 - general monthly (June 3rd 2022): data cookbook, goldly studio, re-frame state management - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 7 - a deep dive into Saturn (May. 27th 2022) - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 6 - general monthly (May. 6th 2022) - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 5 - general monthly (Apr. 2nd 2022) - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 4 - studying Clerk internals (Mar. 25th 2022) - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 3 - general montlhy meeting (Mar. 5th 2022) - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 2 - compatibility across tools (Feb. 19th 2022) - 🎥 summary & recording
Meeting 1 - the beginning (Feb. 4th 2022) - 🎥 [summary & recording](**.
Meeting videos Playlist at the Scicloj channel
Chat stream: #visual-tools at Clojurians Zulip and at Clojurians Slack
Resources: You are invited to add your experiments and notes.
scicloj/visual-tools-experiments - repo for collaboration.
common notes - from meetings, etc.
background - the visual tools session at the re:Clojure Data Science Special (Dec. 5th 2021), overviewing some of the relevant tools in the field
Video status reports:
- Mar. 13th, 2022, Visual tools compatibility - describing the Portal-Clerk-Kindly-nREPL experiment