Amendment 17: B.5 Living With a Star Science: Several Small Updates

B.5 Living With a Star (LWS) Science emphasizes the science necessary to understand those aspects of the coupled Sun-Earth system that affect life and society. The overarching goal of the LWS Program is to provide advances in scientific understanding of this system that can lead to predictive capability of the space environment conditions at Earth, other planetary systems, and in the interplanetary medium. Every year the LWS Science program element solicits Focused Science Topics (FSTs) that address some part of this goal. This year’s FSTs are:

  • FST 1: Connecting Auroral Phenomena with Magnetospheric Phenomena;
  • FST 2: Understanding Solar Energetic Particle Transport through the Inner Heliosphere;
  • FST 3: Atmospheric Loss and Habitability in the Presence of a Star.

On or about October 16, 2024 several small changes have been made to B.5 Living with a Star Science: An additional point of contact has been added to Section 9, outdated references to the guidebook have been updated to refer to and link to the new Grant and Cooperative agreement manual throughout, and a clarification has been added to Section 5 about format of current and pending support. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through. The Step-2 Proposal due date remains unchanged: Step-2 Proposals are due November 6, 2024.

Questions concerning B.5 LWS Science may be directed to John McCormack at  [email protected] and Susanna Finn at [email protected].

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