Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ROSES D.2)

NASA annually solicits proposals for the Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADAP) under Appendix D.2 of the omnibus ROSES NRA.  In an effort to maintain a vibrant research program, we are seeking to expand our database of prospective ADAP reviewers to more fully reflect the diversity of the astronomical community by offering this opportunity for interested individuals to volunteer for future service at an ADAP review.  SMD recognizes and supports the benefits of having diverse and inclusive scientific, engineering, and technology communities and fully expects that will be reflected in the composition of peer review panels. Below you may identify whether you work or study at a minority-serving institution.  This is an open volunteer opportunity that is not tied to a specific ADAP solicitation.  Signing up does not commit you to serve as a reviewer for any specific ADAP proposal review, nor is NASA obligated to invite you to serve on a future ADAP review panel.  The only requirements for volunteering are that: (1) you are expected to have earned your Ph.D. prior to serving on an ADAP review panel; and (2) you have expertise in one or more of the nine ADAP Research Areas defined below.

ADAP Research Areas:

  1. Interstellar Medium and Star Formation - includes studies of dense molecular clouds, star-forming clouds, HII regions, interstellar dust and ices, protostars and YSOs, and the physics and chemistry of protostellar disks; also includes characterization of supernova remnants and the dynamics of their interactions with the ISM; DOES NOT INCLUDE protoplanetary and debris disks, or the formation of exoplanets and exoplanetary systems (see Section 1.3.7).
  2. Stellar Astrophysics - includes studies of the structure and evolution of main sequence stars, stellar variability and activity, binary/multiple stars, asteroseismology, the IMF of stellar populations, and stellar archaeology; DOES NOT INCLUDE detection and characterization of exoplanets and exoplanetary systems (see Section 1.3.7).
  3. Post-Main Sequence Stars - includes studies of the structure and evolution of post-main sequence stars, late circumstellar outflows and mass loss, white dwarfs and cataclysmic variables, and planetary nebulae.
  4. Collapsed Objects and Transient Phenomena - includes studies of neutron stars (ns), stellar-mass black holes (bh), and X-ray binaries (both ns and bh); also includes Gamma-Ray Bursts, mergers (ns-ns, ns-bh, bh-bh), and fast radio bursts.
  5. Supernovae - includes studies of supernova progenitors, the physics of catastrophic stellar explosions, supernova-driven nucleosynthesis, and validation of supernovae as standard candles; does not include studies of supernova remnants and their interaction with the interstellar medium (Research Area 1) or supernova surveys as tools for cosmology (Research Area 8).
  6. Normal Galaxies and Galactic Structure - includes studies of the formation, evolution, and structure of the Milky Way and other galaxies.
  7. Active Galaxies and Quasars - includes studies of interacting galaxies, starburst galaxies, Luminous/ultraluminous infrared galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, radio galaxies, active galactic nuclei and supermassive black holes, and quasars.
  8. Large Scale Cosmic Structures - includes studies of clusters of galaxies, galaxy environment and evolution, intracluster medium, diffuse x-ray background, and supernova surveys as tools for cosmology.
  9. Astrophysical Databases - includes development of databases of fundamental atomic, molecular, solid state parameters and the tools to apply them to the analysis of astronomical data; also includes development of new data products through further processing or reprocessing of existing archival astrophysical data sets, new publicly-accessible databases of observations from NASA suborbital astrophysics projects, and new data analysis tools.
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