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Jacobite risins

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
Portrait o Keeng James II bi Sir Godfrey Kneller

The Jacobite risins (or Jacobite rebellions) war a series o uprisins, rebellions, an wars in Great Breetain an Ireland occurrin atween 1688 an 1746.[1] The uprisins haed the aim o returnin James VII o Scotland an II o Ingland, the last Catholic Breetish monarch, an later his descendants o the Hoose o Stuart, tae the throne o Great Breetain efter thay haed been deposed bi Pairlament during the Glorious Revolution.[2] The series o conflicts taks its name Jacobitism, frae Jacobus, the Laitin form o James.


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  1. "The Jacobite Revolts: Chronology". Historic UK (in Inglis). Retrieved 28 November 2024.
  2. "The Jacobite Rebellion - Timeline & History". VisitScotland (in Inglis). Retrieved 28 November 2024.