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Shot starn

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Shot starns fawin tae Yird

A shot starn is whit is seen whan a space rock faws tae Yird. They can forby faw ontae the Muin, or ither planets like Maurs.[1] It is aften kent as a fire-flaucht or meteor an micht bi seen as a bricht licht in the nicht lift.[2][3] Due to thair composeetion, gin they conteen airn they mak a yellae o oranger colour, o conteenin magnesium, mak a bricht white licht,[3] tho maist ur blee.[citation needit]

meteor burst
shot starn colours

Shot starns micht bi lairge bitties o rock tae wee doost o stour frae ooter space, swirling but hadna get pullt in tae shape a planet. Pebble-sized or mair muckle meteors can uisually be seen frae the grund ablo, but maist arene veesible acause they ir the size o a flek o doost.[1][4]

meteor crater Arizona
2019 Shot starn crater, Arizona

The shot starns that gaen intae the Yird's atmosphere begin tae heat up an brak apairt but aboot 10 to 50 a day faw aa the wey tae the grund.[5] If it dings the grund, or gang intae the Yird's atmosphere, it is cried a meteorite. Muckle meteorites can leave a thirl in the grund, cried a crater.[1]

Maist (twa thirds) o the meteorites that dinnae burn up, faa intae the ocean. [5]


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  1. a b c Rubin, Alan E.; Grossman, Jeffrey N. (Februar 2010). "Meteorite and meteoroid: new comprehensive definitions". Meteoritics and Planetary Science (in Inglis). doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.01009.x.
  2. "Glossary | IMO". Retrieved 27 Juin 2024.
  3. a b "Shooting Stars: Unveiling the Celestial Phenomenon". www.jameswebbdiscovery.com (in Inglis). Retrieved 27 Juin 2024.
  4. Broad, William J. (10 Mairch 2017). "Flecks of Extraterrestrial Dust, All Over the Roof". The New York Times (in Inglis). ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 27 Juin 2024.
  5. a b "Fireball FAQs". American Meteor Society (in Inglis). Retrieved 27 Juin 2024.