How do papers get on SSRN?

Last updated on July 11, 2024

How do papers get on SSRN?

Last updated on July 11, 2024

SSRN is an Elsevier company devoted to providing "tomorrow’s research today". Through our market-leading platform, we facilitate free author posting and peer sharing of numerous disciplines of research. Similarly, researchers can visit the SSRN platform for free, to download and learn from the latest early research. Research is posted on our site by authors and author affiliates.

  • Publishers
    • SSRN partners with hundreds of journals in providing a preprint service to researchers in just one-click through our First Look program. During submission to a journal partnering with SSRN, the submitting author checked a tick box in Editorial Manager to have your paper posted to SSRN as a preprint, Elsevier’s preprint platform partner. Preprints are only posted to SSRN if an author actively opts-in during the submission process to a journal.
    • SSRN works with journal publishers and other organizations to showcase their latest accepted or published papers on SSRN through our service known as Partners in Publishing.
  • Authors
    Authors often submit their research directly to SSRN via the submission portal.
  • Co-Authors
    Co-authors can submit papers on behalf of their colleagues via the submission portal. It is assumed that the submitting author has obtained the consent of all their co-authors prior to posting on SSRN.
  • Research Organizations
    SSRN partners with universities, institutes, centers, and other research organizations to showcase their research output on SSRN in a Research Paper Series.
  • Conference Proceedings
    SSRN partners with conference organizers, societies, and other organizations to showcase Proceedings from a conference, meeting, symposium, or other academic event on SSRN.

How do I revise a submission?

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