We’re leveraging AI to build virtual cells that scientists can use to understand how cells work in healthy and diseased states, which will have broad applications for biomedical research, disease diagnosis and therapeutic development. We believe this effort will deepen the scientific community’s understanding of human health and disease at a molecular level.
Accelerating Research Through Technology
Our science technology team accelerates the pace of biomedical research by building models, methods, tools, applications, and datasets for scientists. Our technology-driven approach helps researchers come to meaningful conclusions about human biology — spurring new discoveries about the molecular underpinnings of health and disease.

Leveraging AI to build virtual cells that are capable of predicting the behavior of healthy and diseased cells

Enabling access to high-resolution, actionable insights to accelerate the detection, identification and tracking of infectious disease

Accelerating the development and application of tools and technologies to better and more quickly understand how disease manifests in cells and tissues

Collaborating with the open source napari project to make reproducible quantitative image analysis more accessible, helping scientists make more discoveries, faster

Chan Zuckerberg ID (CZ ID) is an open source metagenomics analysis platform that helps researchers rapidly identify new and emerging infectious diseases. CZ ID processes sequencing data to provide actionable information on the state of pathogens in a given set of samples. This allows scientists to make data-driven decisions about when to deploy antibiotics, where to prioritize immunization campaigns, how to shape vector-borne disease surveillance and control efforts, and more.

Chan Zuckerberg CELL by GENE (CZ CELLxGENE) is an open source platform that allows scientists to access, analyze and annotate high-dimensional single-cell data at scale, so they can quickly surface new insights that could lead to discoveries in treating disease. Through standardization and integration of published single-cell datasets, the platform’s database enables scientists to answer questions about the function of cells in seconds, instead of executing experiments that take years.

Built by the CZI imaging technology team, the napari hub helps researchers find high-quality image analysis methods that solve their unique data analysis needs. The napari hub hosts a growing ecosystem of open source, community-built napari plugins to help researchers find trusted, relevant, high-quality analysis methods that they can use to quantify their data and gain insights into biology.
Visit our GitHub organization to browse projects.
Beyond building and disseminating technology in collaboration with the science community, CZI Science also works with many community-led projects that we partner with or support through grants to help advance our mission.

CZI’s Essential Open Source Software for Science program supports software maintenance, growth, development, and community engagement for over a hundred critical open source tools used by scientists globally.

We enable and scale patient-driven research by supporting and amplifying the work of rare disease patient organizations by providing them with tools to leverage patient data, scientific knowledge, and researcher and physician connections in order to accelerate research toward new treatments and cures.

Scientists post preprints, or scientific papers published prior to peer review, on servers such as bioRxiv and medRxiv, which dramatically accelerates their ability to access information and build on each others’ work.

Protocols.io is a platform that allows researchers to discover and openly share up-to-date scientific methods.