紐時賞析/美國大選將至…假訊息、陰謀論氾濫成災 選務官員小心應戰
Elections Officials Battle a Deluge of Disinformation
假訊息氾濫成災 選務官員小心應戰
Tate Fall is overwhelmed.
When she signed on to be director of elections in Cobb County, Georgia, last year, she knew she’d be registering voters and recruiting poll workers, maybe fixing up voting machines.
She didn’t expect the unending flood of disinformation — or at least, she wasn’t prepared for how much it would overtake her job. She has had election deniers shout at her at public meetings, fielded weekend calls from politicians panicked about a newly circulating falsehood, and even reviewed conspiracy theories circulating on Nextdoor forums that might worsen skepticism among distrustful constituents already doubtful that the democratic system is reliable and secure.
And that was before the election went sideways.
In the weeks since former President Donald Trump was targeted in an assassination attempt and Kamala Harris replaced President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee, adding Tim Walz to the ticket, conspiracy theories have surged. The claims were pushed by pundits and politicians like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican known for promoting far-right conspiracy theories, who represents part of Fall’s jurisdiction.
The implications for Fall’s workload will not be good, she said, noting that conspiracy theories can make it harder to reach constituents who already find elections to be mystifying, like “magical” events.
“Anytime there’s a big event, that’s an opportunity for bad actors to seize on that and act on it,” said Fall, 30. “It’s our job to make sure we’re answering those questions effectively and communicating to our voters.”
Increasingly, her generation of elections officials must multitask as defenders against disinformation and its consequences. On any given day, they are debunking claims that masses of dead people are contaminating the voting pool or that mail-in balloting is susceptible to fraud. In just the past year, they have been flooded with inane demands for details about their employees, faced harassment campaigns targeted at their female family members, received intimidating letters laced with fentanyl and been subjected to fake threats of bombings and break-ins.
文/Tiffany Hsu 譯/羅方妤
近年來,每逢選舉,假訊息(disinformation)流竄,已是不分國界的現象,甚至出現「認知作戰」(Cognitive warfare)的講法,執政者動輒用來反擊不同意見,是言之成理或只是甩鍋方便,讀者宜慎思明辨。
Deluge指暴雨洪水,a deluge of something是大量事件同時發生,譯為「氾濫」符合水的意象:Everyone agrees that somebody, somewhere, ought to do something to shelter the public from this polluted deluge of information.
陰謀論(conspiracy theories)的主題通常是慘劇,例如美國總統甘迺迪遇刺、911恐攻事件,或是海嘯、強震、疫情,通常是認為太扯時才會用這個字,帶有貶意:Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy?
Debunk是拆穿某種說法或信念為假,後面接a myth/a notion/an idea:The study debunks the myth that men are better at math than women.
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