紐時賞析/防川普重返白宮摧毀政策 加州致力嚴守氣候規定
California Aims to ‘Trump-Proof’ Climate Rules
California officials have been working for months to “Trump proof” the state’s environmental and climate policies in the event that former President Donald Trump returns to White House and follows through on his promise to gut them.
Whether California succeeds could affect other states that follow its emissions rules, and could have global impact because the state’s market muscle compels automakers and other companies to conform to California standards.
The strategy includes lawsuits designed to reach settlements with industries that generate greenhouse gases, and new rules and laws that would be beyond the reach of the federal administration.
California is requiring about three-quarters of new trucks sold after 2035 to be zero emissions. The state is also seeking permission from the Biden administration to ban sales of new gas-powered passenger vehicles after 2035.
Both rules are far tougher than federal policy and could have influence beyond the United States. China and the European Union have already adopted parts of California’s car and truck tailpipe-emissions reduction programs.
The Democratic-controlled state Legislature has also passed a first-in-the-nation law requiring major companies to disclose their greenhouse emissions. And it has strengthened the authority of local governments to shut down oil and gas projects.
Under a provision of the 1970 Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency has for decades given California a waiver that allows it to enact strict pollution controls. Federal law also allows other states under certain circumstances to adopt California’s standards.
Sixteen states have pledged to follow the California car rule and 10 states have adopted the truck rule, meaning the regulations would apply to about 40% the U.S. auto market.
Trump has promised to revoke the waiver. “California has imposed the most ridiculous car regulations anywhere in the world, with mandates to move to all electric cars,” Trump has said. “I will terminate that.”
California’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, has made it clear that he intends to forge ahead on environmental regulation.
“California has long led the nation in pioneering climate policies and innovation,” Newsom said. “Those efforts will continue for years to come.”
Other top Democrats in the state, including Attorney General Rob Bonta, are working with the state’s climate regulator on the “Trump-proofing” strategy.
文/Coral Davenport 譯/周辰陽
美國總統大選投票進入倒數階段,川普當選的機率不低,在他前一任期吃過苦頭的各方紛紛打預防針,報導中的proof就有類似的意涵, bullet-proof(防彈)、fireproof(防火)都是常見的字彙,介係詞用against。
記者使用Trump proof和Trump-proofing形容加州政府想方設法,擔心川普一旦當選,會以聯邦政府的權力迫使州政府修改與規範氣候變遷有關的法令。
這裡的gut指的是使某物失效:Critics claim that these reforms will gut the law.法律上,「撤銷」(revoke)的對象已經生效,使其失效:Your driver's license could be revoked after about three convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol.
「撤回」(withdraw)的對象尚未生效,例如在法院判決確定前,聲請撤回起訴或上訴:withdraw an appeal或者to request the withdrawal of the appeal.
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