Lightweight Encoder with Attention Mechanism for Pipe Recognition Network
Yang Tian , Xinyu Li, and Shugen Ma
Department of Robotics, Ritsumeikan University
1-1-1 Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
Utilizing building information modeling (BIM) for the analysis of existing pipelines necessitates the development of a swift and precise recognition method. Deep learning-based object recognition through imagery has emerged as a potent solution for tackling various recognition tasks. However, the direct application of these models is unfeasible due to their substantial computational requirements. In this research, we introduce a lightweight encoder explicitly for pipe recognition. By optimizing the network architecture using attention mechanisms, it ensures high-precision recognition while maintaining computational efficiency. The experimental results showcased in this study underscore the efficacy of the proposed lightweight encoder and its associated networks.
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