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H. G. Wells

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Infotaula de personaH. G. Wells

(1920) Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Nasimènto(en) Herbert George Wells Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
21 de setenbre del 1866 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Bromley (Inghiltera) (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Mòrte13 de agosto del 1946 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata (79 ani)
Łondra Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Càuxa de morteCàuze nadurałi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata (Liver tumor (en) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata)
Presidente PEN International (it) Traduzi
1932 – 1935
← John Galsworthy (it) TraduziJules Romains (it) Traduzi → Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Dati personałi
Ideołozìa pułìtegaSociałismo Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
FormasionRoyal College of Science (en) Traduzi

Università de Londra

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Canpo de laoro
Atività1895 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata –
PartioPartio Laburista (Regno Unio) Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Menbro de
ZènareFantascienza (it) Traduzi, biografia e Sàjo Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
ProfesoriThomas Henry Huxley (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
PseudònemoH. G. Wells

Septimus Browne
Reginald Bliss
Sosthenes Smith

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Òpare in rezalto
Archivià in
SpoxaIsabel Mary Wells (en) Traduzi (1891–1894)

Catherine Wells (it) Traduzi (1895–1927)

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ConviventeAmber Reeves (it) Traduzi

Odette Keun (it) Traduzi
Moura Budberg (it) Traduzi
Margaret Sanger (it) Traduzi
Rebecca West (it) Traduzi
Elizabeth von Arnim (it) Traduzi (1910–1913)

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ZenitoriJoseph Wells (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata  e Sarah Neal (en) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
marso 1UTC 1933-otobre 1UTC 1933Bücherverbrennungen (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
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IMDB: nm0920229 Allocine: 37785 IBDB: 6001
Musicbrainz: 84306022-264d-4351-a710-adb828e38a23 Discogs: 201193 Allmusic: mn0001545329 Find a Grave: 19940

H. G. Wells (Hebert George Wells) el jera un scritor inglexe, nasùo a Bromley inte el 21 de setenbre 1866 e morto a Londra inte el 13 de agosto 1946.

El xe considarà un pare de ła fantasiensa, come Jules Verne, e Hugo Gernsback, parché el xe un de i primi scritori de el xènare; el ga anca scrito, parò romanzi de narativa zeneral.

Nisuna ła xe mai stada publegada in vèneto. El titoło en vèneto no'l xe ofisial.

Romanzi di H. G. Wells
Titoło Vèneto Titolo ingleze Ano UK/USA Primo editor UK/USA
La companja de lady frankland (perdùo) Lady Frankland's Companion 1888 Mai publegà
Ła macchina del tenpo The Time Machine 1895 William Heinemann
Ła vizita maravejoza The Wonderful Visit 1895 MacMillan and Co.
Ł'isola del dotor Moreau The Island of doctor Moreau 1896 Heinemann, Stone & Kimball
Łe rode del destin The Wheels of Chance 1896 J. M. Dent & Co
L'omo invizibile The Invisible Man 1896 Arthur Pearson
Ła guera de'i mondi The War of the Worlds 1896 William Heinemann
El dormiente el se zveja The Sleeper Awakes 1899 Harper & Brothers
Amor e Mr. Lewisham Love and Mr. Lewisham 1899 Harper & Brothers
Łi primi omeni so la Łuna The First Men in the Moon 1901 George Newnes
Ła siora del mar The Sea Lady 1902 Methuen Publishing
El manjar de'i dei The Food of the Gods 1904 MacMillan and Co.
Kipps Kipps 1905 MacMillan and Co.
N'utopia moderna A Modern Utopia 1905 Chapman & Hall
Inte'i dì de'a comeda In the Days of the Comet 1906 The Century Co.
Ła guera inte'l'aria The War in the Air 1908 George Bell & Sons
Ana Veronica Ann Veronica 1909 T. Fisher Unwin
Tono-Bungay Tono-Bungay 1909 MacMillan and Co.
Ła storia de Mr. Polly The History of Mr. Polly 1910 Thomas Nelson and Sons
El novo Machiavelli The New Machiavelli 1911 Lane & The Bodley Head
Marriage Marriage 1912 MacMillan and Co.
Łi amighi apasionài The Passionate Friends 1913 Harper & Brothers
Ła liberasion del mondo The World Set Free 1914 MacMillan and Co.
Ła vida de Sir. Isaac Harman The Wife of Sir. Isaac Harman 1914 MacMillan and Co.
Ła riserca magnifega The Research Magnificent 1915 MacMillan and Co.
Bealby: na vacansa 1915 Methuen Publishing
Boon 1915 T. Fisher Unwin
Mister Britling ghe vede de traverso 1916
L'anema de un vescovo The Soul of a Bishop 1917 Cassell
Gianna e Piero Joan and Peter: the Story of Education 1918 Cassell
Fiama viva The Undying Fire 1919 Cassell & Co
Łi posti sconti de'a tera 1922 MacMillan and Co.
Omeni come dei Men Like Gods 1923 Cassell & Co
El sonjo 1924
El pare de Cristina Alberta 1925
El Mondo de Guglielmo Clissold The World of William Clissold 1926
Meanwhile 1927
Mr Blettsworthy a Rampole Island 1928
Ła autocrasia de Mr. Parham 1930
Il cavajer di Blup The Bulpington of Blup 1932 Hutchinson & Co.
The Shape of Things to Come 1933
El zogador de croquet The Croquet Player: a Story 1936 Chatto & Windus
Brynhild 1937
Łi astrizeni Star Begotten 1937 Chatto & Windus
The Camford Visitation 1938
Apropos of Dolores 1939
Łi fradei 1938
The Holy Terror (romanzo) 1939
Babes in the Darkling Wood 1940
All Aboard of Ararat 1940
You Can't Be Too Careful 1941
  • Text-Book of Biology (1893)
  • Honours Physiography (1893) – with R. A. Gregory
  • Certain Personal Matters (1897)
  • Anticipations of the Reactions of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought (1901)
  • Mankind in the Making (1903)
  • The Future in America (1906)
  • This Misery of Boots (1907)
  • Will Socialism Destroy the Home? (1907)
  • New Worlds for Old (1908)
  • First and Last Things (1908)
  • Floor Games (1911)
  • The Great State (1912)
  • Great Thoughts From H. G. Wells (1912)
  • Thoughts From H. G. Wells (1912)
  • Piccole guerre (Little Wars, 1913)
  • The War That Will End War (1914)
  • An Englishman Looks at the World , Social Forces in England and America (1914)
  • The War and Socialism (1915)
  • The Peace of the World (1915)
  • What is Coming? (1916)
  • The Elements of Reconstruction (1916)
  • God the Invisible King (1917)
  • War and the Future, Italy, France and Britain at War (1917)
  • Introduction to Nocturne (1917)
  • In the Fourth Year (1918)
  • The Idea of a League of Nations (1919)
  • The Way to the League of Nations (1919)
  • The Outline of History I, II 1920, 1931, 1940 (1949, 1956, 1961, 1971)
  • Russia in the Shadows (1920)
  • Frank Swinnerton (1920)
  • The Salvaging of Civilization (1921)
  • A Short History of the World (1922)
  • Washington and the Hope of Peace, Washington and the Riddle of Peace (1922)
  • Socialism and the Scientific Motive (1923)
  • The Story of a Great Schoolmaster: Being a Plain Account of the Life and Ideas of Sanderson of Oundle (1924)
  • An Introduction to the 1914 Edition of "Anticipations" (1924)
  • Locomotion and Administration, a Paper on Administrative Areas Read Before the Fabian Society (1924)
  • The Problem of the Birth Supply (1924)
  • The Case for Republicanism (1924)
  • Thought in the Modern State (1924')
  • A Year of Prophesying (1925)
  • A Short History of Mankind (1925)
  • Mr. Belloc Objects to "The Outline of History" (1926)
  • Wells' Social Anticipations (1927)
  • The Way the World is Going (1929)
  • The Book of Catherine Wells (1928)
  • The Open Conspiracy, What Are We To Do With Our Lives? (1928)
  • The Science of Life (1930)
  • Divorce as I See It (1930)
  • Points of View (1930)
  • The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (1931)
  • The New Russia (1931)
  • Selections From the Early Prose Works of H. G. Wells (1931)
  • After Democracy (1932)
  • Experiment in Autobiography (1934)
  • The New America: The New World (1935)
  • The Anatomy of Frustration (1936)
  • World Brain (1938)
  • The Fate of Homo Sapiens conosciuto anche come The Fate of Man (1939)
  • The New World Order, (1939)
  • Travels of a Republican Radical in Search of Hot Water (1939)
  • The Common Sense of War and Peace (1940)
  • The Rights of Man (1940)
  • The Pocket History of the World (1941)
  • Guide to the New World (1941)
  • The Outlook for Homo Sapiens (1942)
  • The Conquest of Time (1942)
  • Modern Russian and English Revolutionaries (1942)
  • Phoenix: A Summary of the Inescapable Conditions of World Reorganization (1942)
  • Crux Ansata conosciuto anche come Crux Ansata An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church (1943)
  • '42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir (1944)
  • Reshaping Man's Heritage (1944)
  • The Happy Turning (1945)
  • Mind at the End of its Tether (1945)
  • Marxism vs Liberalism (1945)
  • H.G. Wells: Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction (1975)
Controło de autoritàVIAF (EN97006424 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 2283 2703 · El vałore CFIV010461 de SBN no el xe mija bon. · Europeana agent/base/60023 · LCCN (ENn79063613 · GND (DE118643266 · BNF (FRcb119290531 (data) · BNE (ESXX1070444 (data) · ULAN (EN500225477 · NLA (EN35599551 · BAV ADV10181147 · CERL cnp00725202 · NDL (ENJA00460562 · WorldCat Identities (ENn79-063613
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