As a young startup one of the biggest challenges is to find the right set of people with whom we can discuss strategies, present the product and recognize the gaps. Arthayan Funding Quest just bridged that gap and provided an exemplary platform to pitch to potential investors. To be honest we are overwhelmed to see such a high interest in our product. I would like to sincerely thank Aniruddha and his team for organising this. Looking forward to more such events and interactions in the future.
With Arthayan my relationship has been long standing and Aniruddha being accessible has been a major plus. I have had a lot of meetings with a lot of potential investors. Arthayan has been wonderful in terms of being proactive & in terms of connecting investors & startups. There is a sort of genuineness with the way Arthayan works & it genuinely believes in connecting & building the startup ecosystem. It is wonderful to see.
When I first started out, I was a hardcore engineer with little to no financial knowledge. When I have no one to turn to, the help that has been provided to me has been instrumental. I used to have doubts about this & that is & I would call Aniruddha or Shounak & they used to be very patient & used to guide extensively & helped me connect with a lot of people which expanded my network & showed a different perspective. It has been a great journey so far.
We have been working with Arthayan since its inception. The experience has been phenomenal. We got to interact with a lot of partners that were working with Arthayan.