'We can see into cars and what drivers are up to': Cycling lobby group demands every car be installed with devices that block out phone signals – even in an emergency

  • Cycling group calls on state governments to install device to block phone signal
  • The device that will prevent reception going through to all phones in the car
  • Device will stop anyone from making a phone call, even in an emergency
  • Bicycle Network CEO has called on this plan due to increased number of deaths

A cycling lobby group has called for every car in Australia to be installed with devices that block out phone signals.

The controversial plan will see cars installed with a device that prevents reception to all phones while they're in a vehicle in the car - stopping anyone from making a phone call, even in an emergency.

Bicycle Network CEO Craig Richards said drivers need be stopped from using their phones due to the increased number of deaths on roads.

A cycling lobby group has called for every car in Australia to be installed with devices which block out phone signals

A cycling lobby group has called for every car in Australia to be installed with devices which block out phone signals

The controversial plan will see cars installed with a device that will prevent reception going through to all phones in the car

The controversial plan will see cars installed with a device that will prevent reception going through to all phones in the car

Bicycle Network CEO Craig Richards (pictured) said drivers should be stopped from using their phones due to the increased number of deaths on roads

Bicycle Network CEO Craig Richards (pictured) said drivers should be stopped from using their phones due to the increased number of deaths on roads

'As bike riders, we can see into cars and what drivers are up to...the increased loss of life highlights that cars should be fitted with phone-blocking technology,' he told Herald Sun.

Mr Richards slammed the current policing methods, arguing the use of mobile phones behind the wheel has not improved. 

He said until there are fewer deaths on the road, drivers should turn off their phones before getting behind the wheel. 

When asked about the device blocking out calls even in emergency situations, Mr Richards said the Bicycle Network wants to do something that prevents accidents in the first place.

Victoria's top traffic cop, Assistant Commissioner Doug Fryer, said the current laws, which only allow phone calls to come through via Bluetooth, need to be improved. 

'When it comes to data, we're ­really keen to explore how we can block data coming into the driver of the vehicle only,' he said.

Even though the technology is still in the early stages of development, each device is expected to cost thousands of dollars.  

Even though the technology is still in the early stages of development, each device is expected to cost thousands of dollars

Even though the technology is still in the early stages of development, each device is expected to cost thousands of dollars






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