After Publication
Read our useful guide to promoting your work once it is published and find out what we’ll do to help you find readers.
Once we have received your final manuscript, and your manuscript has been reviewed, your book will be in production.
Read our guides below about the book production process.
We offer different levels of copy-editing depending on the type of product and manuscript. This means that, if necessary, we will draw your attention to flaws in the language of the manuscript and help you to make revisions. Your editor will be happy to advise you during this process.
We distinguish between two different options for submitting your final, copy-edited manuscript
If you submit a camera-ready manuscript copy, this means you are responsible for typesetting your text.
If you have decided to submit a publication-ready PDF, we will provide you with a Word, LaTeX or InDesign template for typesetting your manuscript. You will receive this, together with the font package of our house font, from your contact person at De Gruyter once the publishing contract has been concluded. Please do not (!) use the templates for manuscript creation.
Our production department will assist you with using the templates and will guide you through the rest of the publication process. If you choose this option, we will ask you for an initial sample chapter at an early stage.
Once you provide your final manuscript to your editor they will pass it to the production department and a production editor will guide you through the steps of production through to your publication’s imprimatur.
In the typesetting process, your manuscript will be converted to the De Gruyter house style, including any special characters, tables, formulae, and graphics. We use professional typesetters for the technically demanding implementation of our specifications, ensuring a high quality book.
You will generally receive two sets of page proofs. At the first correction stage, we ask you to make any typesetting corrections. In the second round, you will check the corrections that have been made, before giving us permission to print (the imprimatur).
The inner design of De Gruyter books and journals is based on the De Gruyter House Style, which was specially developed with renowned typography agency Edenspiekermann. A style guide and sample pages are available for authors preparing a camera-ready copy.
As your work is converted into the De Gruyter house style, the preliminary pages and the jacket are created. Our graphics department will work with you to produce a suitable cover for your book. We are open to some suggestions for cover art, but titles published as part of a series receive the series design.
As soon as the book goes into production, we finalize the font cover and blurb. Prior to publication the front cover will be advertised on the website and in our catalog.
Depending on the method of production and the level of complexity, it usually takes between six weeks and six months before the book is in your hands and the eBook is available to download.
So you are a published author and your De Gruyter book is in your hands - congratulations! What will happen after publication? Find out how we promote your book to an international audience and read our guides on how you can promote your book at conferences and on digital platforms.
Read our useful guide to promoting your work once it is published and find out what we’ll do to help you find readers.