【英語多益通】金鐘awards ceremony完美落幕 學各種典禮的英文


▲ 第56屆電視金鐘獎星光大道,苗可麗、林予晞。(圖/攝影中心攝)


年末是頒獎的時節,不論是上周六剛落幕的金鐘獎(Golden Bell Awards)、或是即將陸續登場的台北電影節(Taipei Film Festival)、金馬獎(Golden Horse Awards),以及即將揭曉的學術界最高桂冠──諾貝爾獎(Nobel Prize)都是接下來令人期待的盛事。本次應景一下,認識多益測驗中與頒獎典禮相關的詞彙與表達吧!

awards ceremony頒獎典禮


ceremony為「儀式、典禮」的意思,此字可以運用在多種場合,例如religious ceremony(宗教儀式)、wedding/marriage ceremony(婚禮)、opening ceremony(開幕典禮)、graduation/commencement ceremony(畢業典禮) 等。

award (n)常與動詞present/bestow/hand out搭配,表示「贈予獎項」;award當動詞時則表示「授予」,常用搭配如award a prize/medal/honor「頒發獎賞/獎牌/榮譽」使用。

A gold medal, a certificate, and a monetary award will be bestowed upon the winners.

In 1986, the Nobel Committee awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Yuan Tseh Lee.


The Magician on the Skywalk wins big at Golden Bells.

The Special Contribution Award went to veteran weather broadcaster Jen Li-yu who retired earlier this year.

red carpet紅地毯


Celebs always look so outrageously attractive as they walk down the red carpet.

Red carpet to roll out for Golden Bell Awards Saturday. (focustaiwan.tw)

to roll out the red carpet字面上即「鋪上紅地毯」,也就是指「熱烈歡迎;隆重歡迎」之意。

When our VIP clients come next week, we must roll out the red carpet.



The Magician on the Skywalk, a fantasy comedy-drama and based on the novel of the same name by Wu Ming-yi, has the most nominations. (Taipei Times)

The 56th Golden Bell Awards are to be held today in Taipei, with 192 nominees vying for 39 television industry awards. (Taipei Times)

此外,nominee與candidate、applicant兩個單字意思類似,但仍有差別。nominee為其他人提名、提議擔任某職務或進行比賽;candidate為參加選舉或申請職位、學位的「候選人」,並要透過選舉或其他票選方式,獲取資格,candidate同時也可以當作求職的「應試者」;applicant則為「申請人」。因此在職場英文用法裡,求職者除了有(job) applicant的說法外,也可用candidate表示。

The three politicians are vying for their party nominees for the next presidential election.

All job applicants have to complete two-stage tasks so as to be interviewed.



The organizers received 1,781 entries, of which 192 were shortlisted for the awards, which are to be presented at a ceremony.

Many talent acquisition leaders find it hard in recruitment to identify the right candidates from a large pool and to shortlist their applicants quickly.


1. The ceremony held at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall saw a total of 40 awards _________, honoring outstanding works and individuals working in the TV industry.
(A) conferred
(B) granted
(C) presented
(D) rewarded

2. At the 56th Golden Bell Awards, Lee could be the youngest actor to win either the Best Leading Actor or Best Newcomer in a television program, both of _________ he has been nominated for.
(A) them
(B) which
(C) who
(D) whom


1. 正解為(C)。本題為字彙題。要選擇搭配award的動詞。四個選項都含有「給予、頒給」之意,但(A)多指授予稱號或學位、(B)為准允許可權或補助(金),通常是被請求後才有、(D)則有報答、報償之意,與頒發獎項意義有出入。故(C)為正解。句意為「在國父紀念館舉辦的典禮共頒發了40個獎項,以表揚在電視業傑出的作品與人員。」

2. 正解為(B)。本題為文法概念題。which代替前方the Best Leading Actor 與 Best Newcomer,並具有連接前後方句子的功能。故(B)為正解。語意為「在第 56屆金鐘獎頒獎典禮上,李可能是獲得電視節目最佳男主角或最佳新人獎的最年輕演員,這兩個獎項他都獲得提名。」


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