Division E Days at the XXIX GA

Starting from 2015 each IAU Division will have Division Meetings during IAU General Assemblies. The triennial Division Meetings are scientific meetings with a duration of two days. They should not be confused with the usual business meetings of Divisions and/or Commissions which are organized as Splinter Meetings. Both oral sessions and poster papers are scheduled for the Division Meetings.

The following is the oral paper schedule (with the first author listed) for Division E. The links provide PDF versions of papers provided by the authors.

7 August 2015 FRIDAY

Session 1: Solar Interior and Dynamo

  • Seismology of Convection in the Sun by S. Hanasoge
  • The Solar/Stellar Connection by A. Brun
  • Magnetic Helicity in Solar Dynamo Simulations by M. Miesch
  • Grand Minima and Equatorward Propagation in a Cycling Stellar Convective Dynamo by K.C. Augustson
  • Magnetic Flux Concentrations in Stratified Turbulent Plasma Due to Negative Effective Magnetic Pressure Instability by S. Jabbari
  • Digital tabulation of historical sunspot field strength measurements from the Mount Wilson Observatory by A. Pevtsov

Session 2: Photosphere and the Solar Cycle

  • Magnetic Flux Emergence in the Solar Atmosphere by M. Cheung
  • Tracking of small-scale convective upflows by B. Lemmerer
  • Rising coronal loops in a 3D-MHD model and the time evolution of the magnetic topology of a solar active region by P.A. Bourdin
  • The new Sunspot and Group Numbers: a full recalibration by F. Clette
  • 3D Global Coronal Density and Magnetic Field Structures during Solar Minimum and Maximum by M. Kramar

Session 3: Chromosphere and Corona

  • Physics of the Solar Chromosphere: Beyond the Ideal MHD Description by J. Leake
  • Acoustic Waves Generated by a Disturbance in a Gravitationally-Stratified Medium by J. Chae
  • Sunquakes and their relationship with coronal magnetic topology by L. Green
  • Statistical analysis of supersonic downflows in sunspot penumbrae by H. Kim
  • High-resolution fine-structure synthetic imaging of an entire prominence using 3D whole-prominence fine structure modelling by S. Gunar
  • Magnetism Matters: Coronal Magnetometry Using Multi- Wavelength Polarimetry by S.E. Gibson

Session 5: Corona

10 August 2015 MONDAY

Session 6: Coronal and Heliospheric Transients

  • Numerical Modeling of Single and Sympathetic Solar Eruptions by T. Torok
  • Global seismology of the solar corona using "EIT waves" by D. Long
  • Heliospheric Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections: A Review by N. Lugaz
  • Flare-related radio emission: a kinetic point-of-view by C. Briand
  • Dust and sungrazing comets and their interaction with the solar wind by I.B. Mann

Session 7: Solar Wind and Space Weather

  • In situ observations of fundamental characteristics of the Sun and astrophysical plasmas by T.H. Zurbuchen
  • Numerical Study of Solar Storms From the Sun to Earth by X. Feng
  • Heliospheric and geomagnetic modulation of galactic cosmic rays under quiet and disturbed interplanetary conditions during solar cycles 20-23 by K.C. Okpala
  • Science-Ready Data Production in the DKIST Data Center by K. Reardon

Session 8: Solar Instrumentation

  • Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope: Overview and Status by T. Rimmele
  • Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) Critical Science Plan by M. Rast
  • Advance on solar instrumentation in China by Y. Yan
  • Aditya: India’s First Observatory in Space to Study the Sun by D. Nandi
  • CLASP: A UV Spectropolarimeter on a Sounding Rocket for Probing the Chromosphere-Corona Transition Regio by R. Ishikawa
  • Solar Observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array by S. Wedemeyer

Poster Papers

The complete program for the General Assembly, including the Division E program, is available online at http://www.astronomy2015.org. The program includes abstracts for all the papers, including the accepted poster papers listed below.

  • 6 Years After the Inauguration of the Heliometer at Observatório Nacional by A.H. Andrei
  • How Well Can a Footpoint Tracking Method Estimate the Magnetic Helicity Influx during Flux Emergence? by G. Choe
  • An Ellerman bomb observed by NST and IRIS by Y. Kim
  • Two-fluid 2.5D code for simulations of small scale magnetic fields in the lower solar atmosphere by I. Piantschitsch
  • Synoptic program to measure the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field during a solar cycle by R. Ramelli
  • Atlas of the center to limb variation of the solar intensity spectrum by R. Ramelli
  • The statistical properties of vortex flows in the solar atmosphere by S. Wedemeyer
  • Plans to Observe the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse from near the Path Edges by D.W. Dunham
  • Report of the IAU Working Group on Solar Eclipses by J.M. Pasachoff
  • Magnetic structure and origin of counter-streaming mass flows in solar prominences by Y. Shen
  • The formation and structure of solar active-region filaments by X. Yan
  • Phase relationship between the relative sunspot numbers and solar mean magnetic field by by Z. Yin
  • Characterizing the Properties of Coronal Magnetic Null Points by G. Barnes
  • A Prestudy for the Development of a Compact Coronagraph by S. Bong
  • Plasma Heating to Super-Hot Temperatures (>30 MK) in the August 9, 2011 Solar Flare by I. Sharykin
  • Dynamics of electric currents, magnetic field topology and helioseismic response of a solar flare by I. Sharykin
  • Ultimate Spectrum of Solar/Stellar Cosmic Rays by A. Struminsky
  • Active region plasma outflows as sources of slow/intermediate solar wind L.M. van Driel-Gesztelyi
  • Shapes of 20NE De-Excitation Line in Solar Flare by W. Chen
  • 3D Observation of the Global Coronal Magnetic Field by Vector Tomography using the Coronal Emission Linear Polarization Data by M. Kramar
  • On the Nature of the EUV Late Phase of Solar Flares Y. Li
  • Utilize the SpareX satellite to explore the energy spectrum ”break” of the CME-driven shock by X. Wang