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Technology, Information and Internet

Hong Kong, Hong Kong 6,696 followers

The Hong Kong internet lifestyle platform | 屬於香港人的互聯網生活平台

About us

HK01 aspires to build a “Media +” internet lifestyle platform, which provides instant and diversified news & Lifestyle information in more than 60 channels, as well as personalized lifestyle services with multiple service platforms under the digital era for Hong Kong people. We are dedicated to becoming the pioneer and leader of the Hong Kong Internet industry through the application of innovative technology. HK01 provides future leaders with the intelligence, technology, human expertise and the career development platform they need to revolutionize the Internet industry in Hong Kong. Let's join hands to break new ground in the digital world for now and the future. 《香港01》致力構建「媒體 +」互聯網生活平台,透過60多條內容頻道為讀者提供即時和多元化的新聞資訊,以及於多個生活服務平台提供個人化的互聯網服務。通過創新科技的應用,成為香港互聯網行業的先驅和領導者。 《香港01》為未來的領導者提供智慧、技術及職業發展平台等,為香港互聯網行業帶來革命性的變化。讓我們攜手打破現在和創建未來的互聯網生態。

Technology, Information and Internet
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Privately Held
Advocacy Media, Digital Selling, Sales and Marketing, Digital Marketing, B2B, B2C, News, OTT, Application, Mobile App, Entertainment, Online Marketing, Online Media, Media Buying, Marketing Event, Membership, Advertising, Sports, Content Strategy, and O2O


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    7/F, Tower 1, Ever Gain Plaza, 88 Container Port Road, Kwai Chung

    Hong Kong, Hong Kong 0000, HK

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    立法會議員霍啟剛先生及一眾香港運動員日前到《香港01》辦公室參觀,了解傳媒的日常運作及行業發展。運動員更參與模擬受訪場景,學習如何面對鏡頭及接受傳媒訪問時的溝通技巧等。 《香港01》作為本地領先新聞企業,積極發揮傳媒影響力,與社會各界保持緊密連繫;「01體育」緊貼體壇動向,為讀者帶來各項賽事的最新資訊、運動員專訪等,全力為香港運動員打氣,從而推動業界發展。 Mr Kenneth Fok, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and a group of Hong Kong athletes recently visited the offices of HK01 for an insightful tour, gaining an understanding of the daily operations and industry developments of the media. The athletes actively participated in simulated interview scenarios, learning the nuances of facing the camera and mastering communication skills during media interactions. HK01, as a leading local news enterprise, actively wields its media influence, maintaining close connections with various sectors of society. Its sports channel 01 Sports closely follows sporting trends, delivering the latest information on various competitions and exclusive interviews with athletes to readers. By wholeheartedly supporting Hong Kong athletes, it strives to drive the development of the sports industry. #香港01 #HK01 #01體育 #繼續連繫無限可能

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    國際智商登記處近日公布2025年全球平均智商排名,統計127個國家中伊朗以平均智商106.63排名第二,而韓國則以106.57的平均智商緊隨其後。 報告指出,全球平均智商約100,而當中東亞地區的智商較其他地區高。立即了解哪個國家智商排名第一: The International IQ Registry recently released the 2025 global average IQ rankings. Among 127 countries, Iran ranked second with an average IQ of 106.63, followed closely by the Republic of Korea with an average IQ of 106.57. The report noted that the global average IQ is around 100, with East Asia having higher IQ levels compared to other regions. #香港01 #HK01 #全球智商排名 #研數所

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    【🎉香港01祝賀滙豐銀行在香港扎根160周年🎉】 滙豐銀行作為香港最大的金融機構之一,歷史悠久,自1865年以來一直致力於服務香港社會,與香港人共同成長,見證了無數非凡故事的誕生。我們深感榮幸能夠見證貴行的卓越成就,並期待未來繼續攜手香港人,共同創造更多的非凡故事。🎂✨ #滙豐銀行160週年 #扎根香港 #創造非凡 #生日快樂 #香港01 #feed

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    成功的網紅營銷除了能夠引起消費者注意,更可促使他們購買相關產品。《網紅營銷消費者調查2024》顯示男女消費者於過去半年間因網紅推薦而購買的商品類別各有不同,反映企業於推行營銷計劃時,需小心選擇合適的網紅,以更有效地接觸目標性別的客群。 《網紅營銷消費者調查2024》由《香港01》聯同網紅營銷平台Starry與AI 營銷數據分析機構 Votee AI 策劃。透過《香港01》收集廣大消費者的意見並進行分析,助企業了解香港一般受眾對網紅營銷的看法及接受程度,從而制定營銷策略。 重溫2024 網紅營銷年度回顧線上發布會: The success of influencer marketing not only captures consumers' attention but also encourages them to purchase related products. "The Influencer Marketing Consumer Survey 2024" reveals that the types of products purchased by male and female consumers due to influencer recommendations over the past six months vary significantly. This highlights the importance for businesses to carefully select suitable influencers when implementing marketing plans, enabling them to more effectively reach target gender demographics. "The Influencer Marketing Consumer Survey 2024" was jointly planned by HK01, influencer marketing platform Starry, and AI marketing data analysis organization Votee. By gathering and analyzing consumer opinions through HK01, the survey helps businesses understand the general perception and acceptance of influencer marketing among Hong Kong audiences, thereby aiding in the formulation of marketing strategies. #HK01 #Starry #Ipsos #Votee #2024網紅營銷年度回顧線上發布會 #influencermarketing #KOL

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    政府公布最新一份財政預算案,除大眾最關注的公務員凍薪、二元乘車設限外,政府將全力推出更多措施,吸引更多海內外的企業在香港設立總部或分部。預計連同早前引進的重點企業,未來數年它們將能創造超過二萬個就業機會。 此外,除創科發展繼續成焦點發展項目外,旅遊業亦成為另一重點,政府銳意推一系列特色旅遊項目,如生態旅遊、熊貓旅遊等,亦計劃與更多國際品牌合作舉辦活動,以旅遊帶旺經濟。 今年預算案還有甚麼新措施及政策?立即了解: The government has announced the latest budget, which, in addition to the highly anticipated pay freeze on public servants and restrictions on the $2 Scheme on transportation, includes a comprehensive effort to attract more domestic and international businesses to establish headquarters or branches in Hong Kong. Along with the strategic enterprises previously announced, it is estimated that they will create over twenty thousand job opportunities in the coming years. Furthermore, apart from the continued focus on innovation and technology development, the tourism industry has emerged as another focal point. The government is determined to launch a series of distinctive tourism products, such as eco-tourism and panda tourism, and plans to collaborate with more international brands to organize events, aiming to boost the economy through tourism. #香港01 #HK01 #經濟 #財政預算案

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    消費者獲得資訊的方法及閱讀喜好對網紅營銷策略尤為重要,《網紅營銷消費者調查2024》統計本地消費者每日瀏覽最多的媒體類別及內容,顯示消費者傾向依賴社交媒體或網媒獲得生活向或資訊分享內容,如產品試用、比較等。 《香港01》深明消費者的需要,提供多元化的生活資訊,包括親子、旅遊、健康、科技玩物、女生、體育、藝文等,滿足讀者對生活向內容及資訊的興趣和需求。《香港01》亦提供各式各樣的生活服務,包括匯聚全城熱門體驗的活動及票務平台—「01空間」;提供形形色色優質產品及優惠的「01網購」等,以一站式的生活體驗全方位照顧用戶的需要,無縫連繫香港人的生活。 重溫2024 網紅營銷年度回顧線上發布會: The methods consumers use to obtain information and their reading preferences are particularly important for influencer marketing strategies. The "Influencer Marketing Consumer Survey 2024" reveals the most browsed media categories and content by local consumers daily, demonstrating a preference for obtaining lifestyle insights and information sharing through social media or online platforms, such as product trials and comparisons. HK01 understands the needs of consumers well. It offers a diverse range of lifestyle information covering areas like parenting, travel, health, technology gadgets, women's interests, sports, arts, and culture, satisfying readers' interests and requirements for lifestyle content and information. Additionally, HK01 provides various lifestyle services, including the aggregation of popular city experiences through the 01 Space, an event and ticketing platform, as well as offering a wide range of quality products and discounts through 01 Mall, providing users with a comprehensive one-stop lifestyle experience that seamlessly caters to the needs of Hong Kong residents. #HK01 #Starry #Ipsos #Votee #2024網紅營銷年度回顧線上發布會 #influencermarketing #KOL

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    【引領可持續金融新浪潮】Talk Talk企業講座 立即報名:   隨著可持續發展成為全球焦點,可持續金融市場蓬勃發展,為企業轉型注入新動力。《香港01》Talk Talk企業講座將探討企業掌握可持續金融與科技創新的關鍵策略:  可持續金融中的新機遇  科技創新如何驅動可持續發展  ESG實踐成功之道   講座邀請到業界頂尖專家分享寶貴見解,助企業在瞬息萬變的市場中掌握先機,共創綠色未來!   Talk Talk企業講座系列—綠色智慧:企業家的數碼機遇 日期:2025年3月4日(二) 時間: 下午6時 地點:香港總商會 香港金鐘道95號統一中心22樓   嘉賓(排名不分先後): 華僑銀行(香港)可持續金融主管—陳思寧女士 Celina Chan Foundation for Shared Impact (FSI) 傳訊經理—李冬青女士 TC Li 幸福元氣有限公司創辦人兼總經理—何浩德先生 張慧敏女士 (Son 姐) Alison Chang 香港生產力促進局數碼轉型部數碼顧問主管—李溢朗先生 Leslie L.   Leading the New Wave of Sustainable Finance - Talk Talk Corporate Seminar As sustainable development becomes a global focus, the sustainable finance market is thriving, injecting new momentum into corporate transformation. HK01 Talk Talk Corporate Seminar will explore key strategies for businesses to master sustainable finance and technological innovation:   New Opportunities in Sustainable Finance How Technological Innovation Drives Sustainable Development Successful Practices in ESG The seminar invites top industry experts to share valuable insights, helping businesses seize opportunities in a rapidly changing market and co-create a green future!   Talk Talk Corporate Seminar Series - Green Intelligence: Digital Opportunities for Entrepreneurs Date: March 4, 2025 Time: 6 PM Venue: Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, 22/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong   Guests (in no particular order): Celina Chan, Head, Sustainable Finance, OCBC Bank (Hong Kong) Limited TC Li, Communications Manager at Foundation for Shared Impact (FSI) Francis Ho, Founder/General Manager of My Care Healthcare Limited Alison Chang Mr. Leslie Lee. Head, Digital Consulting, Digital Transformation Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council   #香港01 #HK01 #Talktalk企業講座 #綠色智慧 #可持續金融 #企業轉型 #GreenIntelligence #SustainableFinance

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    網紅營銷比傳統營銷更有效及快捷地接觸目標客群並建立互動及聯繫,《IG網紅數據分析報告2024》將網紅的帖文內容歸類為12個行業,分析並排名每個行業利用網紅營銷的互動成效。報告中亦統計不同類別的品牌使用網紅營銷的比率,讓企業掌握網紅營銷趨勢,以便分析其業務與產品類別在推行網紅營銷的效能,選擇合適的營銷策略。 《IG網紅數據分析報告2024》是《香港01》首次聯同網紅營銷平台Starry與市場研究公司Ipsos推出之網紅數據市場報告,旨在以最新行業數據,助企業洞悉未來網紅營銷策略。立即了解更多網紅營銷新趨勢! 重溫2024 網紅營銷年度回顧線上發布會: Influencer marketing is more effective and faster than traditional marketing methods in reaching target audiences and establishing interaction and connections. The "IG Influencer Data Analysis Report 2024" categorizes influencer posts into 12 industries, analyzing and ranking the interactive effectiveness of influencer marketing in each sector. The report also provides statistics on the usage rates of influencer marketing by different types of brands, allowing businesses to grasp the trends in influencer marketing. This helps them analyze the effectiveness of influencer marketing for their business and product categories and choose suitable marketing strategies. The "IG Influencer Data Analysis Report 2024" is the first influencer data market report jointly launched by HK01, the influencer marketing platform Starry, and market research company Ipsos, which aims to provide businesses with insights into future influencer marketing strategies using the latest industry data. Discover more about the new trends in influencer marketing now!

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    🌟 誠邀您花5分鐘參與《企業人工智能化調查2025》,助力產業發展! 🌟 立即填寫問卷: 《香港01》與AI數據分析公司 Votee AI聯合推出《企業人工智能化調查2025》,旨在深入研究香港人工智能於企業間的現況與應用趨勢,發掘企業在研發AI技術時所面對的機遇和挑戰。希望能夠透過《香港01》的傳播力和用戶數據庫,收集不同持分者的看法,為企業和投者提供有價值的洞察,促進AI產業間的合作和交流。 完成問卷後,您將獲得《香港01》企業人工智能升級轉型交流日的門票。您的意見將幫助我們揭示企業在研發和AI技術中面對的機遇與挑戰,並推動產業鏈的進一步發展。一起為香港的AI未來貢獻力量! HK01 collaborates with AI data analytics company Votee to launch the "Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Survey 2025". This survey aims to deeply explore the current status and application trends of AI among businesses in Hong Kong and also uncover the opportunities and challenges that enterprises face in AI technology research and development. By leveraging HK01's reach, we hope to gather diverse insights from stakeholders to promote collaboration in the AI industry. Complete the survey and receive a ticket to the HK01 AI Transformation Exchange Day. Your feedback will help shape the future of AI in Hong Kong! #香港01 #HK01 #Votee #企業人工智能化調查 #EnterpriseArtificialIntelligenceSurvey #人工智能

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    網紅營銷近年成為市場推廣一大趨勢,《IG網紅數據分析報告2024》將網紅以追蹤人數量分成超級、大型、中型、小型及納米5個級別,並以其互動率 、互動量排名出各級別十大網紅,更分析不同級別網紅之互動效能,助企業根據宣傳目標選擇合適的營銷方向,輕鬆掌握網紅營銷新趨勢。 《IG網紅數據分析報告2024》是《香港01》首次聯同網紅營銷平台Starry與市場研究公司Ipsos推出之網紅數據市場報告,旨在以最新行業數據,助企業洞悉未來網紅營銷策略。立即了解5大IG超級網紅! 重溫2024 網紅營銷年度回顧線上發布會: Influencer marketing has become a major trend in recent years. The "IG Influencer Data Analysis Report 2024" categorizes influencers into five levels based on their follower count: super, large, medium, small, and nano. It ranks the top ten influencers in each category according to their engagement rate and interaction volume and analyzes their engagement effectiveness at different levels. This helps businesses choose the right marketing direction based on their promotional goals, making it easier to grasp new trends in influencer marketing. The "IG Influencer Data Analysis Report 2024" is the first influencer data market report jointly launched by HK01, the influencer marketing platform Starry, and market research company Ipsos which aims to provide businesses with insights into future influencer marketing strategies using the latest industry data. Swipe to learn more about the five major IG super influencers now! #香港01 #HK01 #Votee #企業人工智能化調查 #EnterpriseArtificialIntelligenceSurvey #人工智能

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