立法會議員霍啟剛先生及一眾香港運動員日前到《香港01》辦公室參觀,了解傳媒的日常運作及行業發展。運動員更參與模擬受訪場景,學習如何面對鏡頭及接受傳媒訪問時的溝通技巧等。 《香港01》作為本地領先新聞企業,積極發揮傳媒影響力,與社會各界保持緊密連繫;「01體育」緊貼體壇動向,為讀者帶來各項賽事的最新資訊、運動員專訪等,全力為香港運動員打氣,從而推動業界發展。 Mr Kenneth Fok, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and a group of Hong Kong athletes recently visited the offices of HK01 for an insightful tour, gaining an understanding of the daily operations and industry developments of the media. The athletes actively participated in simulated interview scenarios, learning the nuances of facing the camera and mastering communication skills during media interactions. HK01, as a leading local news enterprise, actively wields its media influence, maintaining close connections with various sectors of society. Its sports channel 01 Sports closely follows sporting trends, delivering the latest information on various competitions and exclusive interviews with athletes to readers. By wholeheartedly supporting Hong Kong athletes, it strives to drive the development of the sports industry. #香港01 #HK01 #01體育 #繼續連繫無限可能