From the course: Accredited VeriSM Professional Cert Prep

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Governance models, part 1

Governance models, part 1

(intro compilation of prior ITPRO.TV videos) - You're watching ITPRO.TV - Hello everyone. Welcome back to another exciting edition of ITPRO.TV. I'm your host, Vonne Smith, and this is our various and professional series. And we're back with a new topic, and we're going to talk about governance models in this episode. And here she is, Ms. Jo Peacock. How are you today? - Absolutely. Great. Thank you, Vonne. How are you? - I'm good. I'm going to be well behaved today. - Oh. Yeah. All right. This will be a first. - No more timeouts. - Watch his space. Watch this space. That's all I can say. Do you know what we're going to be talking about today? - Governance models. - Governance. Yeah , yeah, governance is always a subject, and as soon as you mention it, people sort of run away from governance and think, Oh, it's got nothing to do with me. That's to do with everybody else. But actually governance is something that…
