From the course: Accredited VeriSM Professional Cert Prep

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Organizational structure culture, part 1

Organizational structure culture, part 1

From the course: Accredited VeriSM Professional Cert Prep

Organizational structure culture, part 1

- Welcome to ITProTV. I'm your host- (multiple speakers) (pleasant, calm music) - [Speaker] You're watching ITPro.TV - Hello everyone. Welcome back to another exciting edition of ITProTV. I'm your host Vonne Smith, and we're continuing through our various in professional series. And in this episode we're going to take a look at organizational structure and culture. And here she is, Miss Jo Peacock. Hi! - (chuckles) Hey Vonne, how are you? - I'm pretty good right now. - I'm laughing because we've had a couple of attempts that sayin "organizational structure" and "culture", haven't we? - You know, as Justin says, "Titles are hard." (both laugh) "Titles are hard." - "Titles are hard." - Because it goes off the screen, and then you forget, and it's like, "What did that say?" - It's okay cause I write it down, and then I actually forget to read what I've written down, so you're all right. - Yeah. (laughs) - How are you…
