From the course: Accredited VeriSM Professional Cert Prep

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Organizational structure culture, part 2

Organizational structure culture, part 2

From the course: Accredited VeriSM Professional Cert Prep

Organizational structure culture, part 2

- [Narrator] You're watching ITPro.TV. - Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another exciting edition of ITPro.TV. I'm your host Vonne Smith, and this is the VeriSM Professional series, - I should tune in, see what this is all about. (both laughing) - On that note.. - Yes. - Let's talk about autonomy, shall we? (both laughing) What I want to encourage, is that autonomy and that flatter structure that we were talking about in our previous episode. Do you remember how we were talking about sort of this shouldn't be chaos? - Yeah. - It's not, Yeah. This is not about letting you go and have a nap. - Yeah, Exactly. - Which is what I know you wanted to do. - Kind of like what the Lightning players did. They just took a nap. So this organizational structure and culture is going to really hit home today. - You know, when we talk about sort of actually what you mentioned there about sort of ice hockey players and an ice…
