From the course: Accredited VeriSM Professional Cert Prep

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Working in a digital context, part 2

Working in a digital context, part 2

- Welcome to IT Pro TV. (unintelligible dialogue as many hosts speak at once) (bright music) - [Announcer] You're watching IT Pro TV. - Hello everyone, welcome back to another exciting edition of IT Pro TV. I'm your host Vonne Smith and this is our VeriSM and Professional series. I think you know that by now, and we're in a part two of working in a digital context and she's back for more, or I'm back for more too. Miss Jo Peacock. - Yeah, Yeah. It's more like you are back for more, not me. - Yes, Yes. I'm ready, you know, I've gone, I've processed, you know, I'm looking at my, the emotional cycle of change and man, that's hitting home. (both laugh) - Well, I'm hoping that you've all gone and done exactly the same because that was the challenge that I set you at the end of the last episode. I asked you to go away and to take a look at the emotional cycle of change and also to look at Kotter's Eight Steps…
