From the course: Adaptive Leadership for Today's Challenges
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Develop mission-driven organizational systems
From the course: Adaptive Leadership for Today's Challenges
Develop mission-driven organizational systems
- Almost all the leaders I coach want to increase production, performance and resources, and what this usually means is they need to address capacity. Capacity is the ability to produce, perform, or deploy resources towards a defined goal. While capacity is not as inspirational as vision, it is an indispensable part of translating intentions into actions. Intentions without the ability to take action are just that, they're intentions. Capacity is the state of readiness that enables the execution of a mission, and is itself made up of a complex interplay of systems that must be directed toward the mission that aligns with and contributes to the overarching vision. Vision is what you see, mission is what you do, and capacity is the systemic readiness enabling you to do the mission. It's crucial to recognize that vision sets the direction, mission charts the course, and capacity provides the means to navigate that course effectively. You must acknowledge the interconnectedness of these…