From the course: Ajax with PHP: Add Dynamic Content to Websites
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Style suggestions
From the course: Ajax with PHP: Add Dynamic Content to Websites
Style suggestions
- [Narrator] In this movie, we will add some CSS styles for our suggestions. Now of course, we don't have suggestions coming back from Ajax yet, but we can start by styling static text. Let's open up a couple of files. Let's open up Includes>header.php. And let's also open up public.css. Those are the ones we're going to be working with. The idea is that we want to add suggestions that are going to appear here, and then we want to style them using our CSS. Now, even though we don't have actual suggestions yet, I like to do this part first, partly so that they just end up over here in the right place. So we want to at least have some minimal styles so that our list appears here. Even if it's ugly, we want the list to be below the search box. We don't want it to show up somewhere else on the page, we want it to be in the right spot. So, the one good way to do that, to see how it's going to look ahead of time, is just to come into the page and to put in some static tags. Just to write…
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