From the course: An HR Professional's Guide to Supporting a Hybrid Workforce

Developing a growth mindset

Have you ever had a great work idea? And when you share it with a team member, they've said the dreaded words, It can't be done. Maybe you have said it yourself at some point. These are the words set by someone at some point before better processes or policies were put in place. For example, consider the implementation of the applicant tracking system or ATS, before it was introduced to the recruitment process in the mid 1990s. There was probably someone in the background that thought automating the process sounded impossible. And yet today many companies streamlined their recruitment process through the use of the ATS. What is your limiting belief when it comes to hybrid work? What is holding you back from entertaining and embracing this globally accepted style of working? In this lesson, I'll discuss why developing a growth mindset to embrace change. What have you on your journey to embracing hybrid work? First, listen and understand the questions that you are asking yourself that are causing you to block out the possibility of considering adopting a hybrid work model for your organization. Why don't you believe adopting a hybrid model can work? Where are your concerns coming from? Remember, it's okay to express concern, but if it cripples you to the point of refusing to see the potential benefits, considering this model, you may still have a fixed mindset. As you start to answer those questions, next, think about what could be possible if you shifted your mindset to open up about the concept of hybrid work. Is the fear of failing crippling you? Then it's possible you may need to reevaluate your relationship with failure. Think of it as part of the learning process instead of a sign of reflecting your inability to embrace change. In addition, start developing a relationship with the word “yet”. So instead of seeing it can't be done, try saying it can't be done yet. This opens up the possibility, despite your initial concerns, you are open to learning and understanding before shutting the idea down completely. Finally, the follow through. You are on the path to developing a growth mindset. Be consistent and be aware when setbacks occur. Then you can apply positive self-talk to keep going. I want you to create a pro and con sheet so you can see where the challenges to embracing a hybrid workforce are coming from. The success of many processes in organizations today greatly depends on the ability of its leadership to develop and embrace a growth mindset. I encourage you to do some serious introspection. The retention rate of your workforce greatly depends on it.
