From the course: Building a Data-Driven Culture

Understanding organizational culture

From the course: Building a Data-Driven Culture

Understanding organizational culture

- In 2013, Randy Goldberg and David Heath created Bombas. The idea for the company was inspired by the founders learning that the most requested items at homeless shelters were socks. They decided to create a sock business, and for every pair sold, they would donate a pair to those experiencing homelessness. In the years since, the company has given away 75 million items to more than 3,500 community organizations, all while generating over $100 million in revenue. This mission-driven business has resulted in a distinctive organizational culture. While it clearly makes a healthy profit, its entire operating model is driven by a desire to be a business that does good in the world. It exists to sell quality products that people want but also to help millions by positively supporting an important social issue. To put it another way, Bombas must function and behave in a certain way in order to fulfill its mission. This is what is meant by organizational culture. Simply stated, in a quote attributed to Marvin Bower, the leader who built McKinsey into the global.
