From the course: Business Operations: Staying Organized While Under Pressure

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Principles of effective organization

Principles of effective organization

- Our work environment plays a huge part in our ability to succeed, and keeping organized is a proven approach to success. In this lesson, I'm going to share three principles that I use for effective organization. These principles will help you set up an organization system to keep you ready for success. You'll walk away with a new perspective and be equipped to succeed, no matter how challenging your work is. The first principle is cultural awareness. This is about where you work. And when you start figuring out the way work is done where you work, you can understand the cultural values of that workplace. Ask informed questions about the work that's being done and what it looks like when it's done right. For example, "What is the lifecycle of this deliverable?" or, "Who is involved in the executing of this process?" Take what you learn from those questions and build a system that helps you create the deliverables and organize the requests that you'll work on. The second principle is…
