From the course: Certification Prep: SHRM-CP

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Ethical workplace culture

Ethical workplace culture

- HR Pros face ethical dilemmas all the time. As the standard bearers for the organization, we have a duty to ensure that ethical workplace practices are in place, followed consistently, and that there is a process for reporting unethical behavior. An ethical workplace culture reflects the principles of transparency, honesty and confidentiality. Transparency means compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley or the SOX Act, which requires companies to disclose certain financial dealings. Honesty refers to the priority company places on truthfulness. One way HR Pros help to communicate a companies commitment to honesty is by establishing a policy detailing the companies position on conflicts of interest and bribery. A conflict of interest may exist when an employee engages in activity that is mutually beneficial to the employee and one of their family members. Bribery exists when an employee accepts a gift from a vendor, with the understanding that they will provide something of value to the vendor…
