From the course: Certification Prep: SHRM-CP
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From the course: Certification Prep: SHRM-CP
- Negotiation is truly an art. There are several strategies that negotiators can employ and the negotiator's style plays a significant role in the outcome of the negotiation process. Soft negotiators give in to the other side quickly because they value the relationship more than reaching a mutually beneficial agreement. Hard negotiators want to win at all costs. Principled negotiators seek harmony by identifying common interests to create a win-win situation. This type of negotiation is called an interest based or integrated bargaining and is the preferred bargaining method when negotiating with labor unions. For example, if two people want the same office space, in a compromise, they would choose to share the office space but if they engage in integrative or interest based bargaining, they will discuss why each one wants the office space. One may want it because it's on the top floor and has a great view. The other may want it because it has the right kinds of tables to lay out their…
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