From the course: Certification Prep: SHRM-CP
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Organizational effectiveness and development
From the course: Certification Prep: SHRM-CP
Organizational effectiveness and development
- If your organization isn't changing, it runs the risk of becoming irrelevant and obsolete. So, there needs to be a plan for change, and as an HR pro, your role is to shepard the organization through those planned change initiatives. Organizational Development, or OD, is the subset of HR that uses planned change interventions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Interventions can be proactive and designed to improve efficiency. Like implementing a decision-making process that reduces the number of approvals needed to finalize a decision. Or interventions can be remedial and are implemented to get a company back on track, like addressing an employee engagement problem with new training programs or fringe benefits. OD practitioners adhere to a common model that includes four phases and it begins with defining the problem. During the define stage, OD practitioners gather data to better understand the problem, and assess the organization's readiness for…
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