From the course: Certification Prep: SHRM-CP
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Understanding legal systems
From the course: Certification Prep: SHRM-CP
Understanding legal systems
- Did you know that popular websites like Facebook and Google are illegal in China? It's details like this about the legal and regulatory environment of the countries where your company does business that HR professionals need to be aware of. Can you imagine a marketing campaign that directs the residents of China to go to your company's Facebook page? Talk about a public relations miss. That just demonstrated your company's lack of cultural sensitivity and understanding of the market. In the world, there are three types of legal systems: common law, civil law and religious law. And the laws may be created at the national, subnational, extraterritorial, supernational or international levels. You need to understand the differences between each of these. So, download the handout and review the details of each of the systems and sublevels. Now, there also basic legal concepts that are recognized internationally and you need to know them too. The first is rule of law. Rule of law is the…
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