From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 3 Information Security Program

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Third-party code

Third-party code

- [Instructor] Software developers often depend upon code created by someone else to improve their efficiency. In addition to reusing code within an organization, developers also often draw upon code from third parties. Third party software libraries are a very common way to share code among developers. Libraries consist of shared code objects that perform related functions. For example, a software library might contain a series of functions related to biology research, financial analysis, or social media. Instead of having to write the code to perform every detailed function that they need, developers can simply locate libraries that contain relevant functions and then call those functions. Let's take a look at an example using the programming language R that's commonly used in data science applications. This is a simple analysis of data from the social security disability process. It includes data from a 10 year period…
