From the course: Change Management: Roadmap to Planning

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Design a change management plan

Design a change management plan

- I'm sure you have heard the term bridge the gap before. It means to connect the familiar with new, easing differences and obstacles along the way. Now, imagine your change plan is just that, the bridge between the current and future state. The change plan outlines the activities which enable the stakeholders to cross the bridge. Here's a simple five-step process that you can follow to create your change plan. Step one, understand the organizational culture. Culture plays a pivotal role in shaping an organization's capability to change. Depending on your change initiative and how its intent fits within an organizational way of doing things, this can make a huge difference to your change management effort. If the organization is already used to challenging the status quo, learning and adapting on the go, your change success chances are much higher. Step two, align timelines, milestones, and activities with project management.…
