From the course: Change Management: Roadmap to Planning

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Make it easy for people to change

Make it easy for people to change

- Business conditions are constantly changing. Every day there are technology enhancements, new innovations, and industry shifts, but how do you get people to change? If you're part of an organization driving a transformation agenda, you need to craft a change vision. If you imagine change as pushing a big rock up a hill, you know that there'll be some hard work, sweat, and resistance. You need to gather momentum before you get to the top of the hill. That momentum can come from a change vision, a change vision that is compelling, easy for everyone to understand and easy to communicate. Start with a simple question. What do we hope to achieve? Note whatever comes to mind. Put those thoughts into sentences or a paragraph. Think of it as a newspaper headline, something that would draw the reader in wanting to find out more. Use simple language that everyone can understand, avoid jargon or big words that would confuse…
