From the course: Communicating Values
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Establishing organizational values
From the course: Communicating Values
Establishing organizational values
- You may be in a unique position to help your company establish core values or to inspire them to relook at their values and make sure that they're both aligned with the company's true purpose and truly actionable. A company's core values are a set of guiding behaviors that determine their actions, big and small. If your organization hasn't thought about core values, it's important to start at the beginning by answering one important question. Why does the organization exist? What is the company here to do? That is often answered in a company's vision or mission. One important point here. Yes, for-profit companies exist to make money, but remember that this is an outcome, not a mission. Now given the mission of the company, what are the right behaviors that will help them attain this goal? When I say right behaviors, I need you to focus on the word right. There are a number of things a company can do to reach its goals. The question that must always be asked is this. How do you do…
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