From the course: Communicating Values

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Identifying your professional values

Identifying your professional values

From the course: Communicating Values

Identifying your professional values

- Hopefully by now, you've learned a lot about yourself and your personal values. So how do your personal values come into play at work? Do your personal values change when it comes to being a professional? Unfortunately, the answer is not so simple. When we experience new things or new circumstances, we may start to change some of the beliefs we hold onto or even change our response to certain experiences. Remember this. Your values can shift over time and it's okay to be open to those changes. That said, you'd be surprised how much of our values evolve in the same vein as our original set of values. With that in mind, let's look at how our personal values come into play at work. Let's say you did the personal value exercise and your values are adventure, productivity and quality time. At first glance, some of these personal values may not seem to apply to a professional setting. I mean, how does adventure play into being at work and getting the job done? Let's rewind and look at our…
