From the course: Communicating Values

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Leading with values

Leading with values

- According to a study done by the Harvard Business Review, 58% of employees say they are more likely to trust a stranger more than their own boss. That is alarming. But why is it true? Sure, we've seen some noteworthy examples of leaders with power using their power in questionable ways. This may have something to do with that trust spiral. But there's more to it than that. There's something at the root of this trust gap that needs to be looked at. It's a disconnect that comes from not understanding the leader's motivations. Leading with values is your answer to avoiding this problem. To lead with values means to be aware of your own and the organization's values, and to be deliberate about making decisions based on those values. Let's look at this more closely. The first step again is to be very clear about your own values, and to understand how your style as a leader stems from those values. Self awareness, again, is the critical first step. Do that now. Look at your personal value…
